Food & Health


Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmorev
Donald Trump isn't 'crazy.' He's a man-child who has always gotten his own way. | Aug 4 2016 | Liz Kessler | Calling Donald Trump 'crazy' or 'insane' isn't just ableist -- it disguises his privilege and hateful message.
'I don't live my life in my wheelchair': How Luke Anderson is making Canada more accessible | Aug 3 2016 | Gilad Cohen | Luke Anderson suffered significant paralysis from a mountain biking accident in 2002. He turned his injury into a mission to create barrier-free cities.
Tougher laws won't stop drunk driving. We need to tackle Canada's drinking problem. | Jul 26 2016 | Wayne Roberts | The latest stats on the death toll from Canada's weak laws on drinking and driving have led to renewed demands that policing be boosted. How about we look to changing the booze culture instead?
Keep fighting for affordable housing in Vancouver | Jul 25 2016 | Here are some ways you can help take action and demand housing for all.
Radicalizing body positivity politics | Jul 20 2016 | Scott Neigh | Tameera Mohamed talks about the radical, intersectional, body positivity of Our Resilient Bodies.
Photo: Canola field. Credit: Julie Falk/flickr
The ABCs of genetically modified crops | Jul 19 2016 | Lois Ross | In recent months, there have been a number of announcements related to genetically modified crops. So, what actions are being taken in Canada and internationally to expand the debate about GM crops?
Image: Flickr/thirtyfootscrew
The Liberal record on asbestos so far worse than the Conservatives' | Jul 13 2016 | Gerry Caplan | While the Liberals waffle on an asbestos ban, people in Canada and around the world are dying from exposure to fibres. How does the government rationalize that?
Don't give up meat if you want to save the planet, eat less and better | Jul 11 2016 | Ryan Katz-Rosene | There are plenty of reasons why eliminating animal agriculture altogether is not the panacea solution to climate change it purports to be.
Six ways to support the work of Black Lives Matter across Canada this week | Jul 10 2016 | Allies and community, let's keep the momentum going!
B.C. leads the way in trans health, but change is slow | Jul 5 2016 | Emily Blake | Last year B.C. made a progressive decision to create a province-wide system for transgender health care, but progress has been slow to take place.
Photo: Ars Electronica/flickr
Dark earth could herald a bright future for agriculture and climate | Jul 5 2016 | David Suzuki | Dark earth’s benefit to climate is just one of its many exciting possibilities. It also enhances soils so they produce higher yields, helps retain water and prevents erosion.
Photo: flickr/Dennis S. Hurd
Trans health care in Canada: A federal responsibility? | Jul 1 2016 | Laura Brightwell | In part two of this two-part feature, Laura Brightwell examines the existing health-care provisions for trans Canadians and asks what needs to change.

on babble

Trudeau government and health care funding mark_alfred said... NDP report that the Trudeau government is going to make massive cuts to health care transfers. http...
Alberta mother's battle puts spotlight on First Nations medical care rejections mark_alfred said... Alberta mother's battle puts spotlight on First Nations medical care rejections   Quote:An...
Buy French's ketchup instead of Heinz mark_alfred said... Seems Heinz just up and left, screwing over the workers and farmers in Leamington Ontario. ...
where can i find a psychiatrist in Toronto? monty1 said... In B.C. a M.D. would refer you to a psychiatrist. If you've been told that you don't need one then...
where can i find a psychiatrist in Toronto? takeitslowly said... sorry double post. please delete, moderator. in
"Re-dating" expired bakery products ... and meat at grocery chains laine lowe said... I heard about this yesterday morning and was thoroughly disgusted that these businesses would put...
What will Trudeau's promised Canada Health Accord look like? mark_alfred said... Good article on Rabble by Brent Patterson, the political director of the Council of Canadians. What...
Drug Policy Doug Woodard said... Portugal 14 years after decriminalizing heroin:
The vegan challenge 2015. It's happening! lagatta said... I have greatly cut down on animal products, more by following a traditional Mediterranean diet as...
Sexual and reproductive health Pondering said... I think it comes down to respect for bodily integrity. I'm against piercing baby's ears too even...

in cahoots

Canadian Union of Public Employees
Ontario's $4.8 billion hospital underfunding
A new report will be released today in Kingston that shows the extent of the Ontario Liberal government's underfunding of hospitals by $4.8 billion.

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