rabble.ca series - Hill Dispatches

rabble.ca series - Hill Dispatches

Karl Nerenberg joins rabble to cover news for the rest of us from Parliament Hill. Karl has been a journalist for over 25 years including eight years as the producer of the CBC show The House. He has written scripts for documentary films and long-form television reports for such shows as Le Point and Actuel on Radio Canada television and The Journal on CBC-TV. Karl also founded and, for five years, edited the magazine Federations: What's new in federalism worldwide.

Karl has been awarded a Gemini award, a Best International Documentary Series award (from "la communauté des televisions francophones"), a CBC Radio Award for Best New Series (C'est la vie) among others. As a broadcaster, Mr. Nerenberg produced and directed television series and documentaries in a wide range of genres and on a great variety of subjects -- from civil war in Central America, to the crisis in South Africa's Apartheid system.

Karl works in both English and French, and can be reached at karl@rabble.ca


Image: PMO/Adam ScottiImage: PMO/Adam Scotti
Nov 3 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | In 2013 when the Corporate Accountability Network proposed creation of a mining ombudsperson the Liberals were in favour. In power, they have yet to do anything about that promise.
Image: CPAC
Nov 1 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | Finance Minister Bill Morneau delivered his Fall Economic Statement on Tuesday with some new commitments to private investment in public infrastructure.
Images: Flickr/GLOBAL 2000
Oct 25 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | CETA between Canada and the EU is on life support. Media wrongly call the resisting Belgian region tiny, while everybody has forgotten the Roma, whom Canada has massively deported.
Images: Flickr/Brittany Randolph
Oct 24 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | The Trudeau government's measures to limit food industry practices that push unhealthy products on children and adults are a small, but important, first step.
Oct 20 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | While the PM has not said he is ditching his electoral reform promise, he has taken a big step back from it. But is the voting system a matter about which the public is blissfully indifferent?
Image: Twitter
Oct 18 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | The Trudeau Liberals voted for NDP MP Randall Garrison's Bill 16 that would ban discrimination on the basis of transgender status. Is that a sign of a willingess to co-operate across party lines?
Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Oct 17 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | In Canada, we still have Harper's Fair Elections Act and electoral reform is still far from a reality. In the U.S., the system produces perverse incentives while depriving millions of the vote.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Oct 14 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | Jim Prentice was the only one of Harper's environment ministers to achieve anything of consequence. His was a voice for reason in a government that had too few.
Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Oct 12 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | Donald Trump accused Hillary Clinton of favouring a Canadian-style health system, which would be 'terrible,' 'horrible.' Or would it?
Photo: flickr/Danielle Scott
Jun 21 2016 | by Karl Nerenberg | The Trudeau government has done what the Harper Conservatives said couldn't be done. It has negotiated a deal with the provinces to raise CPP contributions and enrich pension payouts.