

Photo: Agência Brasil Fotografias/flickr
Rio may be end games for high-performance capitalism | Aug 5 2016 | Rick Salutin | In Copenhagen in 2009, when Brazil's successful bid for this year's Olympics was announced, Lula, then the country's president, leapt in the air and danced.
Photo: City of Toronto Archives
Passionate movement for public power is pushing back against hydro privatization | Aug 4 2016 | Linda McQuaig | The Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne is hoping Ontarians have long since abandoned the passion that fuelled the century-old popular movement that led to the creation of Ontario Hydro.
Oil from Husky Energy pipeline spill into North Saskatchewan River.  Photo: Shel
Saskatchewan spill is a reality check on our oil addiction | Aug 2 2016 | Daniel Cayley-Daoust, Emma Lui | Though proponents claim pipelines are the so-called "safest" method of transporting oil, we have seen 8,360 spills in Saskatchewan since 2006. How is this considered safe?
Photo: Dariusz Więckiewicz/flickr
How to fight neoliberalism without giving way to despair | Jul 28 2016 | Ed Finn | This is an epilogue to Ed Finn's three-part series examining the ideology of neoliberalism and the enormous harm its implementation imposes on people and the planet.
Photo: Disney | ABC Television Group/flickr
Bernie Sanders' insurgent populism has shaken the Democratic Party and it's not going away | Jul 28 2016 | Linda McQuaig | The forces unleashed by Bernie Sanders hunger for a real populism, and they're unlikely to settle for anything less than a party that once again shows backbone against bellicose billionaires.
Robinhood and the United Nations
Robinhood and the United Nations | Jul 28 2016 | Daryn Caister | Finance expert Tim Nash joins us this week for a segment on a global "Robinhood Tax" and it could address wealth inequality, climate change and basically all the other big-ticket global problems.
Photo: Yasmeen/flickr
Is slow 'growth' inevitable? A progressive response to sustained stagnation | Jul 27 2016 | Jim Stanford | Since the 2008 financial crisis, many economic projections now accept a pattern of slow growth as inevitable. Jim Stanford explains why it's important for progressives to dig beneath this argument.
Keep fighting for affordable housing in Vancouver | Jul 25 2016 | Here are some ways you can help take action and demand housing for all.
Photo: Kevin Conor Keller/flickr
Three positive steps toward ending poverty in Canada | Jul 21 2016 | David Macdonald | It's 2016 and Canada is a long way from ending poverty, but three promising developments are about to lift almost half a million people above the poverty line.
Photo: KMR Photography/flickr
Inaction threatens to stagnate Manitoba's minimum wage | Jul 21 2016 | Molly McCracken | Unless immediate action is taken, 2016 will be the first time in a generation that minimum wage workers will see their wages stagnate, resulting in fewer earnings for basics like food and shelter.
It's time for a postal banking reboot | Jul 18 2016 | Scott Vrooman | If we think competition will help Canada Post, then let them compete with banks.
Toronto Mayor John Tory goes Full Austerity Jacket | Jul 17 2016 | Michael Laxer | Now heading into the midway point of his first term, and no doubt greatly emboldened by the lack of any effective or coherent opposition to his policies, Tory's real agenda is coming into its own.

on babble

Does Canada export tyranny or democracy to the world iyraste1313 said... Please don't just stop at the arms trade......Canada's support for its mining industry is in gross...
My take on the Canadian economy Rev Pesky said... Number one thing you're going to have to do, if you want people to spend time watching (or...
CPP now investing $1 Billion in World's Top War Industries iyraste1313 said... the solution clearly is a class action suit by CPP contributors...which should focus on the...
Time to nationalize Bombardier mark_alfred said... I just found the above article....
Liberal government's first budget 22 March 2016 mark_alfred said... Quote: We can be almost...
Karl on Parl: CCPA Alternative Budget dares Liberals to think big. Will they? mark_alfred said... Karl on Parl writes of the CCPA's Alternative Federal Budget in light of the Liberal's budget...
Anti-Globalization Movement Is Looking For A Home In Canada terrytowel said... Pundits say Trump leads in the polls because he has captured the Anti-Globalization Movement in the...
Chrystia Freeland to sign TPP deal in New Zealand: Is this a fixed game? NDPP said... As Countries Line Up To Sign Toxic Deal, Warren Leads Call To Reject TPP (and vid) http://www....
Budget Consultations 2016 with Middle Class Focus quizzical said... how do you approach your MP if they are Conservative? and why the focus on the "middle class" by...
Trudeau sets sights on free-trade deal with China mark_alfred said... Minister...

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National Union of Public and General Employees
Trans-Pacific Partnership study shows deak undermines Canada's copyright balance, Internet users
A new study shows that the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s proposed intellectual property provisions would dramatically alter the balance between copyright owners and users.

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