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1914: The Great War, 100 Years Later

mel watkins's picture
On June 28, 1914 The Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated by a young Serbian and vaulted Europe into a war from which it would never recover. This blog attempts to counter the mainstream inclination to cast The Great War as grounds for heroism, patriotism and military bravado -- rather than four years of violence, trauma and irretrievable loss.
The Armenian Genocide Memorial Tsitsernakaberd
| April 24, 2015
| April 16, 2015
| February 24, 2015
| February 2, 2015
| November 17, 2014
| October 24, 2014
| September 29, 2014
Image: Wikimedia Commons
| September 16, 2014
| September 4, 2014
James Keir Hardie, socialist and founder of the British Labour party
| August 26, 2014
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