... an excellent example of idiomatic design. Most folks who port xUnit just transliterate the Smalltalk or Java version. That's what we did with NUnit at first, too. This new version is NUnit as it would have been done had it been done in C# to begin with. Kent Beck

What Is NUnit?

NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit, the current production release, version 3.0, has been completely rewritten with many new features and support for a wide range of .NET platforms.


NUnit is Open Source software and NUnit 3.0 is released under the MIT license. . Earlier releases used the NUnit license Both of these licenses allow the use of NUnit in free and commercial applications and libraries without restrictions.

About Us

NUnit 3.0 was created by Charlie Poole, Rob Prouse, Simone Busoli, Neil Colvin and numerous community contributors.

Earlier versions of NUnit were developed by Charlie Poole, James W. Newkirk, Alexei A. Vorontsov, Michael C. Two and Philip A. Craig.


The NUnit team invests a great deal of time and effort to make NUnit a useful tool. In addition, we have expenses. We have to purchase domain names, arrange for web site hosting and acquire equipment.

Making a financial contribution is one way in which you can help us ensure that NUnit continues to develop and remains free and open software. For more information or to view a list of donors, see our Donations page.

Recent News

NUnit 3 VS Adapter 3.4.1 Released
Fixes two critical issues in 3.4.0.

Available from the VS Gallery or on Nuget.org.

NUnit 3 VS Adapter 3.4 Released
Updates the adapter to use NUnit 3.4.1 and fixes several bugs.

Available from the VS Gallery or on Nuget.org.

NUnit 3.4.1 Released
Several bug fixes to the 3.4.0 release.

You may download NUnit 3.4.1 from Github. See the release notes for more information.

NUnit 3.4.0 Released
The next major release of the NUnit Framework and runners.

You may download NUnit 3.4.0 from Github. See the release notes for more information.

NUnit 3 VS Adapter 3.2 Released
Updates the adapter to use NUnit 3.2.1 and fixes several bugs.

Available from the VS Gallery or on Nuget.org.

NUnit 3 VS Adapter 3.0 Released
At long last we have a release without the CTP suffix! This is the 3.0 production release of the NUnit3 Visual Studio Test Adapter, version 3.0.10.

Available from the VS Gallery or on Nuget.org.

NUnit Templates Visual Studio Extension We have released a new Visual Studio Extension that adds Project and Item templates along with Code Snippets to make unit testing with NUnit 3 easier.

Supports Visual Studio 2012 through 2015.

Available from the VS Gallery.

NUnit Xamarin Runners Released
Adds support for running NUnit 3.0 unit tests on Xamarin.

Supported platforms - Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8.1 and Window 10 Universal Apps.

Install the runners from NuGet or by searching for the package nunit.xamarin.

For more information, see the GitHub page.

NUnit 3.0.1 Released
This is a bug fix release for NUnit 3.0

Please be aware that most 3rd Party runners like Resharper do not run NUnit 3.0 tests correctly yet. For now, use the 3.0 console runner which will run both 3.0 and 2.6 tests.

You may download NUnit 3.0.1 from Github. See the release notes for more information.

NUnit Visual Studio Test Adapter 2.0 Released
This release has been tested up to VS2015 CTP 6. It uses NUnit 2.6.4 and will not attempt to discover tests if the nunit.framework version is 3.0 or greater. A separate adapter for use with the NUnit 3.0 beta will be released shortly.

You may download it from Github project site, or from the Visual Studio Gallery, or as a NuGet package
See the release notes for more information.

NUnit 2.6.4 Released
This fixes a few bugs in NUnit 2.6.3 and adds checks to ensure that tests written for NUnit 3.0 are not erroneously executed. See the release notes for details of changes or Download it...