

Warning on climate's 'new normal'

Australia's climate will move into unpredictable territory if global warming reaches 2 degrees.

As the world endures a third straight year of record-breaking heat, a new study has given fresh insight into what global warming is likely to mean for Australians if it is not curbed.

World's largest marine park to be created off the coast of Hawaii

President Barack Obama, pictured here while hiking the Exit Glacier in Seward, Alaska, is looking to sure up his ...

President Barack Obama is set to vastly expand a marine sanctuary northwest of the main Hawaiian Islands, White House officials said Thursday, creating the world's largest protected marine area as he seeks to cement his environmental legacy in his last months in office.

The fight to bring back the devil

A female Tasmanian devil at Trowunna Wildlife Park, in Mole Creek, Tasmania.

Some of Australia's leading scientists are proposing that the endangered Tasmanian devil should be reintroduced to the mainland - to Victoria's Wilson's Prom specifically - as an insurance policy.

The world's most mysterious mammal

No scientist in history has ever seen Zenkerella alive.

Scientist David Fernandez peered at the odd-looking critter,and hoped it was the real thing. He'd never seen one of these animals in its entirety before. No scientist ever had.