Rio Tinto says that thanks to Brendon Grylls' proposed tax, WA is now risk No. 1

This calendar year Rio will export better than 330 million tonnes of iron ore while this financial year BHP will step up ...
This calendar year Rio will export better than 330 million tonnes of iron ore while this financial year BHP will step up to maybe 265 million tonnes. Tony McDonough

It takes something pretty special to transform Rio Tinto's Pilbara mines from the bedrock of the Anglo-Australian's global fortunes to its number one sovereign risk.

But that is exactly what Brendon Grylls has managed to achieve in just three weeks since recovering the leadership of the West Australian National Party.

Grylls returned to political relevance in early August armed with a grand plan to fix the State's crippled budget. The idea is self-destructively simple. Rio and its Pilbara competitor of 47 years, BHP Billiton, would be required to pay an increased rent on their mining leases. Currently they pay 25¢ per tonne of iron ore production. Grylls would have that impost increased to $5 a tonne. The big miners would metamorphose into big ATMs for future state governments.

This calendar year Rio will export better than 330 million tonnes of iron ore while this financial year BHP will step up to maybe 265 million tonnes. A Grylls tax on those volumes would raise $2.975 billion.

As you might imagine, the Pilbara's sparring pioneers don't think much of this idea and they are not going to make the same mistakes that they made through the Rudd government's invention of the Resources Super Profits Tax in 2010.

Back then, in the lead-up to the proposed RSPT, the government earned generous silence from the miners from a promise that nothing would happen without consultation. When the tax arrived without anything like the consultation implied, all hell broke loose.

The miners won the day, a prime minister was toppled and the RSPT was replaced by a toothless and confused regime that was subsequently retired by the Abbott government. But victory came at a cost. Political and community capital was expended in a highly visible campaign against the sitting government that, to some degree, recovered long-hibernating prejudices against big business generally and big mining specifically.

This time around the miners are not going to wait to see whether Grylls will be the king-maker at next year's state election. The industry needs to put its case. It needs to do that respectfully at both a political and community level. But there can be no question that what is at stake here is mind blowing.

Rio, for example, has invested more than $US37 billion in the Pilbara, the most recent slice of that being a $US330 million investment that will introduce a new mine called Silvergrass to its system. Rio's 50 years of investing in the Pilbara has been shaped by an intimate understanding of the unknowns (pricing, costs, exchange rates) but a dependence on knowns like long-standing fiscal and land access regimes.

"The plan is our number one global risk," Rio's new boss JS Jacques said at Friday's gala in Perth to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Hamersley Iron's first contracted shipment to Japan.

To digress momentarily, the customer was the Yawata Iron and Steel Company of Japan, the boat was the Houn Maru and it carried 52,000 tonnes of ore extracted from Mount Tom Price.

Fifty years on

Fifty years on, a massive hole sits where a mountain once was at Tom Price, iron boats have grown five-fold, Yawata is owned by Nippon Steel and China is importing more ore annually than was delivered to Japan over the first 25 years of Hamerlsey Iron's Pilbara production.

Between 1966 and 1990, Hamersley shipped 420.9 million tonnes of ore to its various Japanese customers. In total, over that time, Hamersley shipped 715 million tonnes. Last year alone, exports by the four Pilbara majors (Rio, BHP Billiton, Fortescue Metals and the Hancock managed Roy Hill joint venture) hit 719 million tonnes, generating $US53.8 billion in export revenue and $4.4 billion in state government royalties. Iron ore royalties account for 14 per cent of the state's income and 87 per cent of the total mining sector royalty contribution.

The iron ore industry's current promise is that total exports will cross through the 800 million tonnes mark within two years. But the Grylls grab might force a harsh editing of that narrative of growth.

Now, you only have to look at the complexity of the Rio world to appreciate the full meaning of this brief and efficient expression of frustration. Rio is not BHP. It has not stepped back from the complications of mining's frontiers in preference for the supposed security of established OECD nations. So, iron ore in Australia has now usurped Mongolia and Indonesia and South Africa and Mozambique and Namibia and Guinea as Rio's number one investment risk.

Ready for a fight

To observe that Rio is ready to pick a fight on this one is an understatement. Certainly Jacques is said to have made exceptionally good use of the coincidence of Fridaynight's festivities and the opening rounds of what could become another seminal dispute between our biggest miners and an arm of Australian government.

The week introduced Jacques to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and the new Federal Resources Minister Matt Canavan. We hear that Jacques caught up with the high and mighty of WA politics later in the week in a schedule that included time with Grylls and his advisers.

Jacques is said to have arrived at every meeting armed with research that included a global league table of tax environments. Presently Zambia and South Africa are the outliers on that list. But the addition of $5 a tonne on Pilbara output would make it the most expensive place, in terms of government imposts, for Rio to do business.

At each stop Jacques is said to have reminded his high-level audiences that a healthy mining industry stood between Australia and the full assault of the global financial crisis and that Rio's recent investments here total more than $US3 billion. Mining remained the beating heart of the Australian economy.

Growing uncertainties

BHP has assigned a similar weighting of risk to the growing uncertainties of WA politics and tax policy. The Global Australian's new president of Australian operations, Mike Henry, spent last week in Perth assessing the political mood. Canberra should expect to be the next capital inserted into Henry's diary as BHP starts ramping up a localised, mini-mining tax campaign to illuminate its contribution to Western Australia over 47 years of Pilbara mining while explaining fully the risks of crimping investment returns during this long nadir of the income cycle.

Over the past three years falling iron ore and petroleum prices have stripped $US35 billion from BHP's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. As a result, like Rio, the Global Australian had to sacrifice a progressive dividend policy that was no longer affordable. But even this year's heavily-pruned dividend might be left unaffordable should a further $1.3 billion be stripped out of BHP's iron ore cash flows.

To some degree, the Grylls property tax could arguably be a bigger medium-term game changer for BHP that it might be for Rio. At some point in the foreseeable future BHP has to replace its Yandi mine. It produces a very particular type of pisolite iron ore and does so in enormous licks. The Yandi system currently produces 80 million tonnes.

No need for debate

Until now there has been no need to debate whether or not BHP would invest to sustain its Pilbara production. That is just what you do when you are making comfortably better than 50 per cent plus margins on iron ore through the cycle. Slice a further $5 a tonne from the bottom line and that investment is suddenly more contestable.

Australian entered the last resources boom pretty much neck-and-neck with Brazil in a battle for market share of the seaborne iron ore trade. According to recently published WA government data, Australia owns 49 per cent of the global iron ore export market while Brazil languishes at 24 per cent of the market. One of the reasons for this shift is that Australian miners were offered a greater incentive to invest in their output.

That is essentially because iron ore mining in Australian became so much more profitable after the switch to index-based, landed pricing. For the first time, the Pilbara miners were able to start banking the freight advantage they have over Brazil. It costs about half as much to ship iron ore to China from the Pilbara as it does from Brazil. While it has been much bigger in the recent past, for the last little while that freight differential has orbited $US7 a tonne range.

A Grylls tax would deplete the Pilbara's now structurally embedded competitive advantage at exactly the wrong point in the cycle. It would force a redraft of longstanding models for sustaining investment in the Pilbara. And, in the end, history might well repeat itself with Australia finding new ways to surrender market leadership to Brazil, just as it did through the back end of the last century.