Zollie Goodman

Zollie Goodman was promised that he and his family would have medical coverage when he joined the Navy. But when his pregnant wife started bleeding and thought she was miscarrying, the base hospital refused to send an ambulance, and refused to treat her when she arrived in a friend’s car because it was almost closing time. She lost the baby.

After Goodman was discharged, when he asked for treatment for PTSD, he was offered an appointment in three months. When he found out that the law guarantees no more than a 30-day wait, he was given one 30 days later, at which a doctor prescribed three drugs and said there was no way to tell which might work. His own research revealed that all three are associated with suicidal thoughts. Now, Goodman has a 15-minute therapy appointment every 30 days. When he arrives, he finds 15 Vietnam Vets waiting with him, all with the same 8 am appointment.

Recorded Date: 
Mar 13th 2008