Hey there. Through digital, brand and strategy, we craft experiences that are collaborative, open and fun. Our experienced team will help you transition from what you have to what you want. Mosaic will integrate your presence across all platforms. 

We Do Stuff Like


Creating a digital plan does not have to be daunting. We will provide guidance to plan a social media strategy, build your website, organize your data, create and distribute emails, analyze your traffic, and most of all, streamline the process. We even do traditional print and marketing when it's appropriate. 


Developing a brand is vital, but impossible if you don't have a good message or the right graphics to accompany it. We can assist in brand creation or simply improve on your existing brand. We will ensure consistency, and most importantly, make sure you are being seen by the right target market.


With over a decade of experience on statewide and national elections, we are capable of implementing various strategies for campaigns and business alike. Our team will help define your goals, determine your audience, and implement a plan of action to effectively reach your base.

Our Team

is comprised of a group of hardworking professionals that bring their creativity and knowledge from an array of different backgrounds, cultures and languages.

Geoffrey Borshof is the founder and CEO of Mosaic Strategies Group, a new media communications firm with its roots in grassroots political consulting, website development, and online messaging strategies. In 2010, Geoffrey founded Mosaic Strategies Group, a firm designed to assist campaigns, NGO’s, and business of varying sizes reach their audience with efficiency. 

View Geoffrey's Full Bio

Geoffrey Borshof

CEO & Founder

Francesca Dulce Larson is a digital strategist with the roots of a community and political organizer. At Mosaic, she specializes in renovating traditional marketing methods for web and mobile platforms. Francesca's understanding of human and cultural communication helps us meet and exceed the outreach goals of our clients.

Francesca is a proud Jersey Girl.

View Francesca's Full Bio

Francesca Dulce Larson


Vanessa joined Mosaic Strategies Group as a Partner in 2012 after spending seven years building a successful and award winning financial services firm. Vanessa spends her time focusing on the digital marketing and branding strategies for client projects.  This includes multiple facets of digital based ad strategies with target market identification of a client’s current relationship reach and also paths for expansion of that reach. Vanessa’s advertising experience is diverse, including working with clients from non-profit initiatives, political campaigns, law firms and business segments...

View Vanessa's Full Bio

Vanessa Byrem-Tangy

COO, Partner

Joe joined Mosaic in 2012.  He is an integral part of the Mosaic Team and is always looking to push the design boundaries in Web Services that we provide to our clients.  Joe excels at his position and constantly challenges himself with learning new technology as it comes out in the market place. His focus is website development and design, but also handles everything from developing email blast templates and graphic design, to visual and creative input on all website designs.

View Joe's Full Bio

Joe Velocci

Creative & Development

Deanna-Marie Norcross joined Mosaic Strategies Group in 2016 as an associate. She specializes in creating effective messaging, community engagement and digital strategies.

View Deanna-Marie's Full Bio

Deanna-Marie Norcross


Happy to use his skills as a designer to work with nonprofits, NGOs, and ethical businesses, Walter joined Mosaic in 2015 after studying graphic design at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Walter handles web design and graphic design, as well as leading the department of cheesy jokes.

View Walter's Full Bio

Walter "Wojo" Franks

Graphic Design

Geoffrey Borshof

CEO & Founder

Francesca Dulce Larson


Vanessa Byrem-Tangy

COO, Partner

Joe Velocci

Creative & Development

Deanna-Marie Norcross


Walter "Wojo" Franks

Graphic Design

Geoffrey Borshof

CEO & Founder

Francesca Dulce Larson


Vanessa Byrem-Tangy

COO, Partner

Joe Velocci

Creative & Development

Deanna-Marie Norcross


Walter "Wojo" Franks

Graphic Design


Here is a small sampling of our portfolio. We are very proud of the clients we work with, and all that have to show for it. Tell us what you think. We would be happy to show you additional samples or answer any questions. Just ask! 

  • The Stephen Gaynor
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    The Stephen Gaynor School

    We love working with non-profits and institutions of learning!

    The Stephen Gaynor School Website is built on Wordpress and has an extremely integrated and comprehensive back-end system. Through the "Parent Portal", guardians with a child attending Stephen Gaynor can login and immediately see their child's academic progress, take a look at their in school and after school calendar, RSVP to events, and even speak with other parents who have children in the same class.  

    Additionally, Parents and guardians looking to have their child attend Stephen Gaynor can go through an application process directly through the website which dramatically simplifies and reduces the amount of time and frustration it takes to navigate admissions. 

    Perhaps one of the most important components of the Stephen Gaynor School website is the way that students, teachers, parents, and administration are all integrated. Teachers each have their own blogs to improve communications with all of the people involved in their students' learning process. The website connects everyone involved to ensure the best experience possible for everyone involved.

    However, this website is not simply based on back-end functionality. It's got a very user friendly interface which makes it ascetically pleasing for those interested in seeing photo galleries and just seeking basic information. All of the navigation is prioritized for the user to be efficient and have a pleasant experience while visiting! 

    Please check out the website for yourself, or call anyone at Team Mosaic for more information! 



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    • Online Admissions with direct File Maker Database integration
    • Full Categorization of Media on the back-end including both images and video
    • Fully integrated social sharing
    • Image Rotator to display related graphics that work as "Calls to Action"
    • Fully responsive site accessible from all screen-sizes (desktop, mobile, tablet)
  • The Northeast Regional
    Council of Carpenters
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    The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters

    Mosaic is extraordinarily proud to work with The Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters, among several other unions as well. Much like our other clients, we provide a wide range of services of The NRCC, including both digital and print. 

    The NRCC website provides a full scope of membership services including data collection, newsletter archives, and a substantial amount of interactive content that encourages and engages deep rooted grassroots activism. 

    Mosaic customized this website from top to bottom, all the way down to the design and development of the one and only "Carpenter Font", which you see listed in all the titles and headers throughout the website. The backgrounds have all been custom drawn, images hand chosen, and the usability of the site is specifically for members, contractors, and visitors alike. 

    Mosaic understands the needs unions have when engaging their membership and we provide newsletters, voting materials, graphic design, and the development of content for The NRCC. 

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  • Kostelanetz
    & Fink, LLP
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    Kostelanetz & Fink, LLP

    Law firms are a specialty service at Mosaic. The website of Kostelanetz & Fink, LLP is a high end website for a high-end boutique lawfirm at the World Trade Center. Mosaic is proud to provide KFLAW with all of their marketing needs, both digital and otherwise. This includes website development, CLE and CPE Accreditation, Email Communications, On-Site consulting, Brochure Development and a host of modern marketing strategies.

    Mosaic works directly with all of the attorneys at Kostelanetz & Fink to provide an extremely hands on service that has been become a trusted relationship over the past few years. Their website was hand crafted to provide an accurate representation of the each of the attorneys' specialties, representative matters, individual needs, and list of accolades. Each image was taken for the purpose of the firm's website.

    The website has a number of feeds that consist of news, blogs, publications, and carefully organizes information that has been produced over the past number of years. 

    This website is completely responsive, works on all mobile devices and browsers, and was created to grow as the lawfirm increases in size!

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  • Emerging Practitioners
    in Philanthropy
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    Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy

    Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy a national network of foundation professionals and social entrepreneurs who strive for excellence in the practice of philanthropy. EPIP asked Mosaic to transition their entire digital presence onto the NationBuilder platform to help grow their membership and engage current members. 

    This included a complete website redesign and development, transfer of pages from WordPress to NationBuilder, import of people data into NationBuilder, and build-out of new eblast templates. Our Mosaic team worked offsite and onsite with the EPIP to accomplish this goal. Then, we trained the EPIP team and membership leaders on how to use all of their new engagement tools. The EPIP team now has one platform they can use to update their website, sign-up members, check membership status, and a offer a private resource community for members to learn from one-another.

    Check It Out

    • Fully Responsive Site with Login
    • Members-Only Content Sections
    • Payment Processing for recurring memberships and one-time donations
    • Event Calendar
    • Chapter-Specific Mini-Sites to feature blogs and events
    • Coordinated Eblast Templates to match website theme
    • Use of Custom fields and Tagging to identify, categorize and track users
    • Customized Member Profile Pages

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  • Assemblyman
    Troy Singleton
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    Assemblyman Troy Singleton


    New Jersey Assemblyman Troy Singleton is a rising star who is always looking at new ways to actively engage his constituents on and off-line. A few years ago, he launched a section of his website called There Should be a Law..., where anyone can submit an idea for legislation. Then, we helped Assemblyman Singleton take it to another level with Citizen Co-Sponsor that gives constituents the ability to share their thoughts and support (or veto!) bills under consideration by the New Jersey Legislature.

    Visit the Site


    • Site infrastructure to support organizing content by issues area
    • Use of Survey functionality to allow a separate voting platform for each bill
    • Easy to replicate bill pages for commenting
    • Fully integrated social sharing
    • Image Rotator to display related graphics
    • Expandable buckets section on homepage that allows users to create and feature new issue areas
    • Fully responsive site accessible from all screen-sizes (desktop, mobile, tablet)

    Visit the Site

  • Levitt
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    Levitt Pavilions

    Levitt Pavilions approached our team to develop a platform to launch an exciting matching grant program, Levitt AMP, to bring communities together in small and mid-sized towns and cities across the country. The project called for us to meet a few challenges: a secure and extensive online application, a public voting platform that limits votes per person, and a hub to feature upcoming concerts from the grant recipients. 

    We accomplished this task through a structured site built on two platforms, WordPress and NationBuilder, that takes advantage of the strengths of both. We used the WordPress side of the site to host the grant application and public voting sections of the site. On the other side, we harnessed NationBuilder's calendar and blogging functionality to allow users to engage with and RSVP for the concerts. Plus, we developed a smooth system to sync all of the data collected on the WordPress front-end with NationBuilder's people database.

    Check It Out

    • Seamless integration between WordPress and NationBuilder
    • Smart logic application using Gravity Forms
    • Secure login
    • Voting Platform that controls number of votes per user
    • Custom Event Calendar and Event pages
    • Unlimited Donation forms with Tracking
    • Unlimited Volunteer forms with Tracking
    • Auto-responses for all site actions
    • Synced database on NationBuilder

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  • World
    Animal Protection
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    World Animal Protection

    Aenean bibendum tincidunt egestas. Morbi sed augue dapibus, vehicula orci eget, sagittis urna. Proin dictum nulla eu nunc pellentesque, eu ornare purus dictum. Nunc sodales ex non orci rhoncus cursus. Vestibulum massa ante, fringilla quis massa et, porta pharetra nisl. Sed tincidunt tincidunt tortor, a auctor enim lobortis eleifend. Etiam ac felis dapibus, rhoncus sem ut, volutpat tellus. Sed tincidunt sit amet massa ut varius. Integer ut porta sapien. Ut interdum sit amet sapien vitae viverra. Praesent vitae consequat libero, vitae feugiat nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque at velit vitae risus efficitur venenatis ut vel lorem. Ut felis justo, molestie at nisl quis, pellentesque finibus nulla. Proin imperdiet vulputate congue.

    Sed tristique, ipsum et volutpat porta, neque leo molestie purus, ut tristique purus tortor a erat. Donec pharetra ipsum ut tempus tristique. Morbi lacinia purus vitae justo eleifend, in bibendum orci rutrum. Ut orci justo, suscipit eu felis et, mattis accumsan nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent purus leo, varius quis sapien sit amet, ultricies auctor sapien. Vestibulum mollis, augue at maximus aliquet, quam urna facilisis ante, non eleifend risus justo eu elit.

    Check It Out

Work With Us


Walter "Wojo" Franks

Graphic Design

Happy to use his skills as a designer to work with nonprofits, NGOs, and ethical businesses, Walter joined Mosaic in 2015 after studying graphic design at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Walter handles web design and graphic design, as well as leading the department of cheesy jokes.


Deanna-Marie Norcross


Deanna-Marie Norcross joined Mosaic Strategies Group in 2016 as an associate. She specializes in creating effective messaging, community engagement and digital strategies.

In her past role as program coordinator at the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University, she oversaw the logistical implementation and program development of Ready to Run® New Jersey, a bipartisan effort to recruit and train women to run for all levels of office. She also provided both program consultation and on-site support to the Ready to Run® National Network, which comprised of seventeen partners in fifteen states. 

Norcross received her B.A. from Smith College in Latin American studies and African American studies, focusing on the intersection between race and gender. She is currently working on her master’s degree in public administration with a focus on non-profit management at the School for Public Affairs and Administration at Rutgers University-Newark.

Her passions include gender equality, political participation and promoting inclusion at all levels of the private and public sector. 

When she's not in the office, Deanna can be found curled up with a good book next to Leya, her rescue dog.


Work With Us

We're friendly and love to give advice.
Drop us a line and let's find out if we can collaborate. 


Joe Velocci

Creative & Development

Joe joined Mosaic in 2012.  He is an integral part of the Mosaic Team and is always looking to push the design boundaries in Web Services that we provide to our clients.  Joe excels at his position and constantly challenges himself with learning new technology as it comes out in the market place. His focus is website development and design, but also handles everything from developing email blast templates and graphic design, to visual and creative input on all website designs.


Vanessa Byrem-Tangy

COO, Partner


973.841.7079 x104

Vanessa joined Mosaic Strategies Group as a Partner in 2012 after spending seven years building a successful and award winning financial services firm. Vanessa spends her time focusing on the digital marketing and branding strategies for client projects.  This includes multiple facets of digital based ad strategies with target market identification of a client’s current relationship reach and also paths for expansion of that reach. Vanessa’s advertising experience is diverse, including working with clients from non-profit initiatives, political campaigns, law firms and business segments.

As a Certified NationBuilder Expert, Vanessa works with clients that utilize the NationBuilder platform to further enhance their community building efforts through NationBuilder’s API. This expands their website capabilities and people database to enhance their outreach campaigns and magnifies the voice of the organization.

Vanessa's interest in business began in college when she owned and operated a small business.  In order to broaden her business experience she then chose to dive into work with a marketing and promotions company which led to a long standing career in company growth strategies as a Corporate Recruiting & Marketing Director in the Financial Services Industry.

While a Director in the Financial industry, her responsibilities included devising company wide growth strategies for expansion, tactics to increase employee retention which worked in tandem with ROI strategy for both short and long term goals. In addition, she headed marketing and branding initiatives to not only attract talent but to spread brand awareness that more than doubled company revenue. Beyond structural corporate duties, she led the exploration, development and implementation plans for target market campaigns and developed training programs for employees.  Vanessa found a successful niche executing marketing campaigns for employee focused outreach and market penetration. This experience has carried over to her current role with client projects for Mosaic.

It is Vanessa's belief that by assembling the right talent and cohesive corporate culture in an exciting and enjoyable environment not only inspire greatness but ignite changes that have molded the most successful companies in today's working world. Vanessa manages the day to day operations of the firm while collaborating with her Partners, Geoffrey Borshof and Francesca Larson on client focused projects and initiatives.  Her focus is to keep her eyes on the bottom line and evaluate financial implications of current and prospective business activities, development of operating policies and programs, in addition to the evaluation and integration of new talent.

A problem solver by nature, her goal is to ensure that there is consistent improvement in operational efficiencies as to keep up with the changing landscape in the business industry for both Mosaic and client focused projects.  These improvements will continually provide superior service to clients and a happy but motivational environment for employees.


Geoffrey Borshof

CEO & Founder


973.841.7079 x102

Geoffrey Borshof is the founder and CEO of Mosaic Strategies Group, a new media communications firm with its roots in grassroots political consulting, website development, and online messaging strategies.

Geoffrey began his career as a teacher in Paterson New Jersey, and after working in education, transitioned into developing grassroots voter contact strategies for progressive campaigns. He has worked on over a dozen statewide and national elections in a variety of rolls, including Field Director, Voter Contact Strategist, Campaign Manager, and State Director. Most recently, he was the NJ State Director for President Obama's 2012 Re-election Campaign. During the election, Geoffrey’s team maximized voter contact reaching in excess of 75,000 voters daily using a combination of grassroots and digital strategies.

In 2010, Geoffrey founded Mosaic Strategies Group, a firm designed to assist campaigns, NGO’s, and business of varying sizes reach their audience effectively and efficiently.

Geoffrey has a Bachelors Degree in English Literature from Rutgers University and a Masters in Writing from Montclair State University.

Lastly, Geoffrey is a persistent optimist and naive idealist who thinks that the proud people of New Jersey are highly underrated.  


Francesca Dulce Larson



973.841.7079 x103

Francesca Dulce Larson is a digital strategist with the roots of a community and political organizer. At Mosaic, she specializes in renovating traditional marketing methods for web and mobile platforms. Francesca's understanding of human and cultural communication helps us meet and exceed the outreach goals of our clients.

Francesca joined Mosaic in 2012 after spending 2 years launching and managing marketing for an international travel-technology startup in South America. The company, which secured investment in Chile and Argentina, was noted for creating an integrated bilingual social media campaign under Francesca's direction.

Prior to her international startup experience, Francesca's career focused on public affairs and community development for political campaigns and elected officials. She is known for her resourceful grassroots strategies, data analysis and relationship building. Francesca's political and governmental resume notably includes President Barack Obama, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, United States Senator Robert Menendez, and Governor Jon Corzine. Even with that under her belt, Francesca will still proudly say her political career began in diapers as a GOTV canvasser in her native Middlesex County, NJ.

Francesca has a B.S in Public Relations and Public Policy from Boston University College of Communication where she served as a Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar. She continues to meld Dr. King's mission with her technology development and advocacy work.

Francesca is a proud Jersey Girl.
