About Us

Teamsters for a Democratic Union is a grassroots organization of thousands of members across North America, working together to rebuild Teamster Power.

We’re truck drivers, dock workers, warehouse workers, clericals—every kind of Teamster, and retirees and spouses, too.

We fight for good contracts and oppose concessions and benefit cuts.

We bring Teamsters together to enforce our rights and to hold union officials accountable to the members.

TDU is run by Teamsters for Teamsters. Our leadership body, the International Steering Committee, is elected each year at our TDU Convention.

Not controlled by any official and answerable only to the rank and file, we are an independent voice for working Teamsters.

For more than 30 years, TDU has been uniting Teamsters to put our union to work for the members.

Find out what we’ve won and where we stand. If you believe in rebuilding Teamster Power by getting members informed and involved, then Teamsters for a Democratic Union may just be the group for you.

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Recent News

Aloise Corruption Trial Set for October 11

International vice president Rome Aloise will face devastating corruption charges at a hearing on October 11, in San Francisco.  

Read the Proposed Carhaul Contract

The Carhaul Division briefed local union officers today at a meeting in Romulus, Mich. on the details of a proposed new contract. Now it’s up to the members. Read the proposed contract here and get information on upcoming contract briefings.

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