CERES Permaculture & Bushfood Nursery

CERES Permaculture and Bushfood Nursery provides a unique experience for all who visit. As a Permaculture nursery our aim is to encourage backyard food production. Whether you have room for a food forest or simply a window box for herbs we supply a vast array of plants to grow and enjoy in your garden, as well as providing the knowledge and support to do so. The nursery is a place to relax, and take positive action towards creating a better world. Planting a beautiful, healthy and productive garden filled with food is one of the most creative and peaceful ways to sustain individual and planetary health.

Opening Hours
9am – 5pm
7 Days a week

Contact the Nursery


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What we don’t stock says as much about us as what we do stock!

We keep sundries to a minimum and do not stock conventional pesticides and herbicides, growth hormones and inorganic fertilisers.

We sell certified organic potting mix, fertilisers and pesticides

We stock bulk fish and seaweed fertilisers so you can bring your own container and fill up.

bulk-ferterliserWe sell only fine gauge bird-netting to avoid wildlife entanglement

We do not sell sphagnum moss or mushroom kits containing sphagnum (peat) moss.

We have a used pot crate for customers to take second hand pots from to reduce the number of new plastic pots being used.


For those wishing to expand their knowledge of organic gardening, our comprehensive selection of books cover many topics including Permaculture, soil health, fruit and vegetable gardening, organic pest and disease control, chicken care, native and bushfood plants, biodynamic gardening, companion planting and much more.

Fruit trees can be loosely grouped into the following:

Deciduous: New stock available in winter. Plant in winter and early spring.

Citrus: Stock arrives autumn and spring. Available year round. Main planting time is spring and autumn

but can plant year round.

Evergreen: Available throughout the year. Plant year round except for high summer.

Tropical and sub-tropical: New stock arrives in summer. Plant in summer and autumn.

*Our range varies from year to year but for each type of fruit we aim to have several named varieties with varying fruit characteristics, fruiting times and growth habits. We also sell multi-graft trees which have two or more varieties grafted onto one rootstock.

wormie-bin-ceresCERES Wormie Bins is an enterprise at CERES Permaculture & Bushfood Nursery, using recycled council wheelie bins that have been retrofitted to create portable worm farms. These recycle your food scraps into rich compost, rejuvenating your waste into nutrition for your garden.
CERES Wormie Bins are designed to process organic waste at point of creation. Our worm composting systems utilise the unique natural attributes of compost worms and provide the ideal environment for them to prosper.
– Fully vermin proof
– Eliminates organic waste odour
– Creates valuable worm castings
– External tap to collect worm juice
– Durable polyethylene construction, utilising recycled wheelie bins
– Designed and constructed at CERES
– CERES Wormie Bin available for purchase from the CERES Nursery
– Cost $190 for 120 litre Bin or $225 for 240 litre Bin
– Compost worms available at CERES Nursery 1000 worms = $49.00