Man charged after lubricant dispenser filled with acid at Sydney gay sex club

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A man has been charged with filling a lube dispenser with hydrochloric acid at a gay and bisexual sex club in Sydney's west.

The 62-year-old man allegedly tampered with the dispenser fitted to the wall in a room at the Aarows club in Bridge Street, Rydalmere, on Saturday.

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Items in the room had been fitted with sensor alarms because similar tampering had happened several times recently, police said.

"Police will allege an alarm sounded and security detained the man before police from Rosehill Local Area Command attended," police said.

Aarows gay and bisexual club in Rydalmere.
Aarows gay and bisexual club in Rydalmere. Photo: aarowssydney.com.au

Hydrochloric acid is a clear, pungent chemical that is corrosive to the eyes, skin, and mucous membrane. It can cause burns to the skin depending on how concentrated it is.

No serious injuries have been reported to police and a worker at Aarows declined to answer questions on Sunday.


The 62-year-old customer has been charged with administering poison intending to injure or cause distress or pain, entering a building with intent to commit an indictable offence, malicious damage and driving while suspended.

He was granted conditional bail to appear at Parramatta Local Court on September 20.

Aarows has previously made headlines over an attempted shooting murder in the carpark of the club in 2013.

Notorious extremist Milad Bin Ahmad-Shah Al-Ahmadzai and another man tried to kill Michael Rooke, who miraculously survived despite being hit in the ankle, torso, groin, liver and lungs.

Shocking CCTV footage depicted a wounded Mr Rooke scrambling to get away and desperately trying to yank open the door to Aarows to escape.