

Landmines everywhere for Turnbull as Parliament resumes

When Malcolm Turnbull declared his readiness to "reach across the aisle" and make a pact with Bill Shorten on budget repair last week, there was just one thing missing: sincerity.

Had the offer been genuine, the Prime Minister would have given Shorten some advance notice, not demanded that Labor sign up to omnibus legislation it had not seen, and been more diplomatic in his choice of words.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis
Illustration: Jim Pavlidis  

He might also have counselled Mathias Cormann against predicting Shorten would "wibble wobble" like jelly before the finance minister with the Schwarzenegger accent's C-grade attempt at intimidation.

Similarly, when Shorten issued his own invitation to Turnbull to "work together on budget repair" and forget about who owns particular ideas and focus instead on "securing the best outcome for the nation", it was more about one-upmanship than statesmanship.

Turnbull returns to Canberra the victor, but you wouldn't know it from the mood within the Coalition.
Turnbull returns to Canberra the victor, but you wouldn't know it from the mood within the Coalition. Photo: Louise Kennerley

True, Shorten gave Turnbull the courtesy of some advance warning before making his offer public (flagging it briefly as the pair waited to welcome home Australia's Olympic team). And, yes, he promised not to tease Turnbull if the Coalition back-flipped or compromised by embracing Labor ideas.

But, just like Turnbull a week earlier, his speech inviting "a new spirit of co-operation" was replete with barbs against his opponent. After Turnbull savaged Labor's "regressive anti-business, anti-growth agenda", Shorten promised goodwill, but accused Turnbull of having spent "a year asleep at the wheel".


Flattery is not essential when it comes to persuading an adversary to embrace a proposition, but it doesn't hurt. Derision, on the other hand, is guaranteed to deliver rejection.

Rather than an exercise in consensus building, the shadow boxing of the past fortnight has been more about wedging, securing tactical advantage and playing to the partisan crowd.

Shorten has written to Turnbull on budget repair, super and penalty rates, Turnbull has written to Shorten on the banking royal commission, but, so far, it's a case of letters at 20 paces, with little prospect of either side making concessions.

The best idea was put to me by a business figure and philanthropist some weeks ago: that Turnbull and Scott Morrison invite Shorten and Chris Bowen to enter a room and work on budget repair together, drawing on each other's ideas and sharing the credit when the task was complete.

Everyone would be a winner, he said, and he was right. Now Stephen Bartos, a public sector finance expert, is pressing the same case, but the chances of it happening are slim because neither side is willing to surrender political advantage. That's a shame.

Turnbull returns to Canberra the victor, but you wouldn't know it from the mood within the Coalition. Rather than inspire confidence that "strong and stable government" will be delivered, the period since polling day has been a reminder of the false starts and messy process before the election.

Turnbull had the right instinct in calling a royal commission on the Northern Territory's youth detention system, but the mechanism for deciding who would run it was botched and Turnbull was seen to be acting with undue haste.

Similarly, the refusal to back Kevin Rudd's bid to lead the United Nations exposed a flawed cabinet process, fuelled internal tensions and saw Turnbull accused of reneging on a personal commitment to Rudd.

The heffalump in the room is Tony Abbott, whose presence and pronouncements ensure that much that Turnbull says and does is assessed on the basis of what Abbott would have done and whether Turnbull is appeasing or alienating the hard right of the Coalition party room.

Even when he isn't trying, Abbott has the capacity to make trouble, with his recent expression of regret that he played such hard politics in rejecting Julia Gillard's Malaysian people-swap agreement a case in point.

It prompted the unconvincing but revealing response from Scott Morrison that he was merely acting "in accordance with my leader's instructions" when he fought so tenaciously to defeat a plan that, if developed, just might have averted the boats crisis that ensued.

If Morrison was just following orders on such a critical issue, how can we be sure he is acting on his own convictions and conscience on other important matters?

In contrast, Shorten's post-election period has been a picnic, with the Labor leader revamping his office, reshuffling his front bench and finishing some four minutes faster than Abbott in Sydney's City to Surf.

A year ago, the expectation of many was that Shorten would be well beaten in the election and face a challenge from Anthony Albanese, one that would have coincided with the release of the authorised biography by Karen Middleton and the powerful story of Albo's search for the father he never knew.

Now, the political reality is that Shorten is more secure in his job than Turnbull is in his.

Turnbull's stated intention is to implement the plan he took to the people, but the plan is thin and there are landmines everywhere, none more potentially destructive than his commitment to a plebiscite on gay marriage.

Labor is inclined to oppose legislation to bring on the plebiscite on the grounds that it will be a $160 million taxpayer-funded opinion poll that will provide a platform for hateful homophobes and not bind Coalition MPs in any vote to change the Marriage Act.

The danger for Turnbull if the legislation is defeated is that it leads to a vote in the Parliament that fractures the Coalition and destroys his leadership.

This is why he needs to press the case that the plebiscite was an election promise that must be honoured and stress that it will be the only opportunity this term to address the issue – and enlist Shorten to help ensure it is conducted with dignity.

Then there is the issue of boats, where the dilemma for Turnbull is clear enough: does he end the nightmare of those who have been in limbo for too long on Nauru and Manus Island and risk a backlash from the Abbott forces if the people smugglers seize the opportunity to attempt to restart their trade?

So what should he do? Do a deal with Labor on budget repair and super in the national interest and challenge Shorten to be true to his word when he says co-operation can be routine rather than revolutionary. That would be a good start.


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