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Michael Short

Michael Short is editor of The Zone. He also writes editorials and columns. The Zone is about activism and advocacy. It is collaborative. Its purpose is to ventilate arguments for moving an issue or situation from what is the case to what might be or ought to be the case. Across a broad range of areas including public policy, philanthropy, philosophy, culture, community, design and business, The Zone seeks to bring fresh thoughts into the free market for ideas.

The Australian Christian Lobby's position on marriage equality lacks decency and fairness

Michael Short Our young people are being betrayed and harmed by religious ideologues.

No place like home

Illustration: Matt Davidson

Michael Short After a week during which Melbourne's City Square has been occupied by a camp of homeless people protesting about their treatment and their plight, young writer David Allegretti's account below tells...

Comments 16

Teachers' economic and social value means they should be paid more

Our children deserve an education system that caters for their individual needs.

Michael Short Good teaching and well-resourced education underpin the fabric of our society, writes Michael Short.

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A personal reflection on what Anzac Day means

A World War I cemetery in the Somme.

Michael Short Visiting the sites of World War I battles in northern France where my grandfather fought showed me the significance of Anzac Day.

Should we protect the Melbourne's livability by limiting population growth?

Experts are concerned an extraordinary number of people moving to Melbourne's fringe may not be provided with good access to employment and services.

Michael Short Here's your chance to have your say on whether Melbourne is growing too fast - you are welcome to join the conversation in the comments section

Comments 104

That sinking, soulful emotion at the orb's setting


Michael Short Self-discovery can be a humbling, hungry experience.

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Why Australia should allow the right to physician-assisted death

One of the drugs administered for voluntary euthanasia.

Michael Short Support is growing to allow people who are suffering to seek a physician-assisted death.

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Some good can come when survivors of sexual abuse denounce the criminals

Michael Short When survivors of sexual abuse speak out, some good can come.

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'What happened to me was child abuse'

Michael Short When journalist Michael Short told his personal story of sexual abuse while he was at school, others responded with their own unhappy memories.

A personal story of child sexual abuse

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Michael Short Memories of abuse can be suppressed, writes Michael Short

Comments 81

Danny Levi Bryce-Maurice incident and EJ Whitten crash: fear and loathing in Melbourne

Police investigators pick over the wreckage of the car, which crashed 50 metres off the EJ Whitten Bridge in Melbourne after the driver lost control while racing against another car.

Michael Short When irrational emotions are driven by fear and ignorance, somebody gets hurts.

Civil disobedience is needed when laws are stupid

Michael Short One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

Comments 106

Mainstream media companies paint an ugly picture of the world

Michael Short Mainstream media companies present a distorted view of the world.

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What would you do to improve Melbourne?

Crowds on a platform

Michael Short What would you like to see change in Melbourne? What would you do if you magically had the power? What ideas, small or even radical, might you have to improve our metropolis for everyone as a place...

Comments 144

Urban jungle: radical ways to improve our city life

Joe Benke envisages a park over one of Melbourne's biggest patches of concrete and bitumen - the Tullamarine Freeway.

Michael Short Is there enough green in your life? Is a lack of nature dragging you down? Research tells us such a lack in built environments undermines our very well-being.

Comments 84

You be the judge: should this man be thrown out of Australia?

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton

Michael Short This is a story of desperation, a saga that stretches across half a lifetime and in which no one has actually done anything wrong yet but where a soul-destroying injustice is poised to happen unless...

Comments 292

Fixing Melbourne's problems: What would you do?


Michael Short Today, we are giving you, the audience, a community forum to share and debate ideas about making Melbourne a better place in which to live and work.

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How to cut your power bill and even quit the grid

Tosh Szatow, right, and Alex Houlston are the men behind Energy for the People and they want to save your money as well as saving the planet.

Michael Short Would you like to free yourself of the undue, complex costs and, well, powerlessness so many endure in dealing with energy companies? Read on.

Comments 78

Why a corporate man changed his life to spread the word on understanding disability

The Age News
Picture by Wayne Taylor
7th April2011
Wallara CEO Phil Hayes-Brown with residents Allan Leithead, Sylvia Backman and Travis Harkin at the brand new home for elderly and disabled in Dandenong.

Michael Short Why would a man at the top of his game, indeed a corporate man who had been at the top of two of the most popular sports, basketball and Australian Rules football, and was then a fashion...

Comments 33

How the 'lucky country' is blowing its luck

Urban sprawl.

Michael Short Australia, we have a bloody big problem. Unless we change the way we develop our cities, particularly Melbourne and Sydney, we are going to turn one of the most liveable nations into a gridlocked,...

Comments 136