

Beware, girls: even Stalin could switch on the 'charm offensive'

It sounds like a darker, sicker secret than it actually is, but I had best confess it bluntly; I am pretty sure I would have dated Joseph Stalin if I had met him when I was in high school. I am not talking about the older Stalin, the merciless, moustachioed tyrant who slaughtered millions of his people without cause. I am talking about the younger Stalin, the one with thick, foppish hair and intense black eyes. If you don't believe me, Google him. Young Stalin was hot.

After I discovered this late one night while researching a book, I couldn't stop thinking that every girl should be shown this photo, of the youthful Joseph, who was a romantic poet and revolutionary, before becoming a brute and a tyrant. Who was clearly not a keeper: as a husband, he drank heavily, argued frequently, and flirted with other women. He addressed his second wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva in public as "hey, you!" and arrested her friends after they told her he was butchering people. At age 31, Nadezhda shot herself after a humiliating public fight with him at a dinner party during which he flicked cigarettes at her.

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Salim Mehajer responds to tirade vision

A day after explosive footage surfaced of Salim Mehajer threatening his estranged wife Aysha, he posts video of himself celebrating and toasting A Current Affair.

I would talk to these teenage girls about the evolution in Stalin's behaviour, and about charm, and how it can fool you. About the difference between passionate intensity and love. We could discuss how to recognise signs of aggression, manipulation, abuse or control in even the most nascent relationship – and what not to tolerate and when to walk away.

I was reminded of my teen Stalin lecture this week when I saw the footage of former Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer verbally abusing his estranged wife, Aysha. He was spitting into his phone's camera in rage. He accused her of having "f---ed 12 guys" and said he wanted her to die and that she had to call him back or he would seek revenge. "If you don't call me in five minutes, I'm going to rape your mum, your mum and your f---ing dad," he said. "Call me now."

Joseph Stalin as a young, charming man.
Joseph Stalin as a young, charming man. 

Mehajer said the video was "taken out of context", though it is hard to imagine the context in which it is acceptable to call your wife a slut. What it does explain is why Aysha sought an apprehended violence order just a few months after their flashy, lavish wedding, when he so grandly declared: "My wife Aysha is my life."

Some suggested Aysha should have known what he was like. But vanity and showmanship is one thing; narcissistic conceit and abuse is another.


As Assistant Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said on radio: "Anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence, who has a partner who perhaps has two faces, will say that's exactly what they have to deal with."

It is bizarre to contemplate that we could blame anyone who could be the recipient of this kind of violence. Emotional, verbal abuse is often not included in domestic violence statistics, but there is growing recognition that this is a core component of dangerous relationships.

So let's start talking about this early – at first crush, even.

Psychologist Dina McMillan has written about the need to teach teens how to recognise the signs of abusive behaviour before becoming entrapped: isolation, separation from your friends, heavy criticism, manipulation, neediness and control.

Her outlined safety tips for women when being aggressively, persuasively, courted and seduced include: acknowledging anyone is at risk of abuse, not mistaking desire for love, not buying into false flattery, not falling for easy romantic gestures like gifts and flowers, keeping close ties with friends and family, and being wary of those who seem "too good to be true".

Radio host Ben Fordham described the incongruous juxtaposition of public gestures of romance with private abuse beautifully on the Today Show, making it clear it is important to have Stalin chats with young men, too.

Anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence, who has a partner who perhaps has two faces, will say that's exactly what they have to deal with.

Assistant Police Commissioner Mick Fuller

"[Mehajer]'s gone out of his way to cultivate this image," said Fordham, "that he's a smooth operator, that he's a romantic – the effort that he went to for this wedding he's put together when he married his bride Aysha.

"Then there was this thing a month or so ago where he said 'Till death do us part' on Twitter. Now, I know that's part of the wedding vows, but it's also something that I think can be perceived as a bit of a threat – to say, 'we'll only be apart if someone dies in this relationship'.

"Now there we have it, on video ... a guy that threatens the life of his wife, and threatens to rape her parents, is a deranged lunatic and a grub."

The more blokes who call out verbal abuse with disgust, the better. It won't always be as obvious as, say, Great Purges – or even videotaped rants. So the more people are attuned, early, to the warning signs of future ugliness, the safer women like Aysha will be.

Julia Baird hosts The Drum on ABC television.