Calls for Senate inquiry after Youi accused of fraud and theft

Claims that Youi may have defrauded thousands of Australians have prompted calls for a Senate inquiry into the insurance giant.

Five whistleblowers revealed the allegations in a Fairfax Media exclusive on Sunday.

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Youi may be charging your credit card

An investigation by Fairfax Media can reveal that insurance giant Youi has been billing people who provided credit card information in the course of obtaining a quote.

Independent senator Nick Xenophon said he would consider moving for a Senate inquiry into the claims. 

The whistleblowers detailed how the company, which is one of the country's fastest-growing insurers, is allegedly fleecing potential customers by billing them for policies they never signed for.

They said customers were having claims rejected due to a cult-like corporate culture that drove staff to falsify insurance documents to make sales. 

A Youi spokesman has called the allegations "vexatious, lacking substantiation and without foundation", and said the company was committed to "conducting business with the highest standards of personal and corporate integrity".


The spokesman pointed to feedback on Youi's website which he said indicated a 92 per cent satisfaction rate.

Senator Xenophon said he wanted former and current employees of the company to be able to give evidence under parliamentary privilege. 

Senator Nick Xenophon has flagged the possibility of a Senate inquiry into insurer Youi.
Senator Nick Xenophon has flagged the possibility of a Senate inquiry into insurer Youi.  

"If these allegations are true, they are incredibly serious," he said.

"I will also be raising issues with the Insurance Council of Australia, the peak body.

"If we don't get satisfactory answers in the coming days, it may need to trigger a Senate inquiry."

Senator Xenophon also said the claims must be investigated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Nationals senator John Williamson, who has been crusading against financial fraud, said he would launch an inquiry in the coming week into the life insurance industry.

"But perhaps the Senate needs to probe the general insurance sector as well," he said.

ASIC spokesman Gervase Greene said the body was looking into the matter.

It would not be appropriate at this stage to foreshadow where those inquiries might lead, he said. 

Federal opposition financial services spokeswoman Katy Gallagher said there was a need for a royal commission into the financial services sector. 

"These allegations, if true, are very concerning and are just more evidence of why we need a royal commission into the banking and financial services sector in Australia," Ms Gallagher said.
"Australians are fed up with being ripped off by some players in the sector and getting the raw end of the deal."
 Consumer Action Law Centre chief executive Gerard Brody said if people had any doubts they should be able to complain directly to the insurer, or take their concerns to the Financial Ombudsman service. 

"I think ASIC should be looking into it very closely and investigating it and even taking action, if it is found that this company is systemically misleading people," Mr Brody said.

He said any customers who wanted to dispute their case, should ask their insurance company for a copy of the tape recording made at the time they bought their policy. 

Signing people up by getting their credit card details without actual consent to purchase the product could be a "good case" of unconscionable conduct, prohibited under the ASIC Act, he said.

"It is certainly a good case study to show why commission selling in financial services should be banned."  

On Sunday, Youi's social media page was flooded with concerned consumers as well those recounting their own stories.

The company was contacted for further comment on Sunday. 

With Liam Mannix

Do you know more? Have you had problems with Youi? Email the journalist: