Sophie's choice: the professor, the politician and the family feud

This was published 9 years ago

Sophie's choice: the professor, the politician and the family feud

AN UGLY spat over the will of a dead former lover could engulf Federal Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella as the man's family considers Supreme Court action to challenge her management of his estate.

Colin Howard, QC, a highly regarded former dean of law at Melbourne University, was Ms Mirabella's de facto partner in the late 1990s, despite a 40-year age gap - a fact she has successfully kept secret until now.

Colin Howard (left) and Sophie Mirabella and the then-secret couple with Mr Howard’s grandchildren at Queenscliff in 2001.

Colin Howard (left) and Sophie Mirabella and the then-secret couple with Mr Howard’s grandchildren at Queenscliff in 2001.

During their relationship, Mr Howard made Ms Mirabella (then Sophie Panopoulos) the executor of his will, and his children, Mervyn and Lesley, believe she is also a beneficiary, perhaps the sole beneficiary, of an estate worth more than $1 million.

Mervyn Howard, a UK-based fund management director, and Melbourne-based charity worker Lesley Howardinsist they are not after the money - Colin Howard made it clear to them they should expect none. It is also clear Colin's strong feelings for Ms Mirabella did not waver, before or after her marriage in 2006 to army Lieutenant-Colonel Greg Mirabella.

Howard family members are concerned about two substantial gifts of money they believe their father gave to Ms Mirabella.

Howard family members are concerned about two substantial gifts of money they believe their father gave to Ms Mirabella.Credit:Glen McCurtayne

However, the children have concerns about how Ms Mirabella cared for their father's health and finances. They believe he made two substantial gifts of money to Ms Mirabella, the first in 2000 and 2001 to help fund her Liberal preselection and election to the seat of Indi, and the second in late 2006 to help her buy a $695,000 farmhouse in Wangaratta.

They say the second gift came after they had seen evidence that Mr Howard's mental health and judgment were deteriorating. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2008.

But after Mervyn Howard questioned Ms Mirabella about the appropriateness of that gift, she replied with a furious email, and Colin Howard responded by cutting Mervyn off, saying he never wanted to speak to him again. The family later discovered that, around this time, Mr Howard had granted Ms Mirabella his power of attorney, medical and financial.

Colin's daughter, Lesley, said she was also isolated from her father when Sophie and husband Greg Mirabella helped him move to Wangaratta in 2007, where they cared for him.

Professor Howard and Mirabella were fellow monarchists.

Professor Howard and Mirabella were fellow monarchists.

He died on September 2 this year, was cremated and then interred at a ceremony on September 11.

Ms Mirabella has not yet applied for a grant of probate on the will, but Mervyn and Lesley Howard are willing to take action in the Supreme Court to force her to disclose information.

''We've been told by Sophie Mirabella that she's the executor of the will, and we believe the sole beneficiary,'' Mervyn Howard told The Age.

''We're concerned to find out if that's true, and was that a decision that our father made when he was fully able to make decisions freely and of sound mind? Sophie also claims that she's been acting in his best interests over a number of years with regard to his care and finances. There have been some question marks about what's happened - questions that we've put to Sophie Mirabella.


''It may be that she has behaved entirely properly and appropriately. But her responses have been aggressive and confrontational, and so it raises suspicions in our minds.''

Ms Mirabella did not answer detailed questions yesterday from The Age.

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