Torthaí cuardaigh
  1. Barrscéal nuachta
  2. Atweetáilte 3,592 uair

    Men: Stop telling women what to wear

  3. France's doesn't increase public safety, it just promotes public humiliation

  4. Islamists have become advocates for women's rights overnight. How about women's rights in Muslim countries?

  5. Funny how islamists are all about women's "freedoms" when it comes to , yet they support strict dress codes. Hypocrites

  6. Western white males should take notice of how supportive Muslim men are of feminism.

  7. French bikers brilliantly protest against the

  8. We had to fight to show our bodies and now we have to fight to cover them up?! When will governments stop policing our bodies 😞

  9. Irony fail: Feminists protest in clothing that would get them arrested in most Muslim countries.

  10. I don't remember leftists being as outraged about any of this than they are the

  11. NOW: beach outside French Embassy to say NO to controlling women's bodies

  12. The beautiful fully clothed at a beach. She's not muslim. Let women wear what they want

  13. This image of nuns on a beach really illustrates the crazy hypocrisy of the in .

  14. Excellent cartoon by on . France is betraying its ideals of democracy & freedom.

  15. If people protest against the , can they also protest non-Muslim women and children being targeted and raped by Muslim men

  16. Only 1 of these 3 outfits is illegal on French beaches. The other two are fine. Nope, no racism here.

  17. Some visiting French police have just spend 10 minutes shouting at our pub umbrellas.

  18. Which woman was stabbed to death last night by a man shouting Allah Akbar? The one that isn't trending

  19. 94 years later and women are still being policed on what they wear to the beach

  20. in a nutshell: "I hate a religion that controls I'm gonna fix that by controlling women."

Tá moill ar an lódáil, is cosúil.

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