

Sarcasm. If you can't handle it, don't talk to me.

2009(e)ko abuztuak(e)tik Twitterren

@_AllysonMarie_ blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @_AllysonMarie_ desblokeatuko.

  1. "To save a life is to save all of humanity." , only on Netflix September 16th.

  2. Apparently that makes me someone who isn't practical. Who knew I was such a revolutionary and a radical for believing in compromise.

  3. I got called an 'idealist' for saying I think compromise and coexisting is a possibility if we put forth the effort.

  4. Time and time again the government has broken its solemn promise to respect Native American sovereign rights. Now it's time for real change.

  5. Don't believe anyone who tells you we cannot change the status quo.

  6. This is how I feel about the DAPL.

  7. molded my generation for the better & made me realize the world is a better place merely because exists in it.

  8. Taking care of veterans is a cost of war. It’s that simple.

    Taking Care of Veterans is a Cost of War
    We must understand what the war experience means to veterans' lives and do everything we can to make them whole when they return. If we can’t do that we shouldn’t send them to war in the first place.
  9. "500 Water Protectors marched to where Dakota Access pipeline bulldozed thru sacred site" - Dallas Goldtooth

  10. Media absence of Native Americans in N.Dakota? Tune in now: Attack dogs and oil pipelines

  11. Ally(e)k jarraitu du: , eta
  12. Rant about how "everyone gets a trophy these days" while sipping from your World's Greatest Dad coffee mug

  13. Offer them a living wage with job security and basic benefits. No seriously we'd be mystified.

  14. Destroy the housing market Replace grad jobs with unpaid internships Tell them to buy a house

  15. Redistribute all wealth to top 1% while they're kids then call them Commies when they try to redistribute it back.

  16. - Destroy the environment, destroy the economy, destroy the housing market and then call millennials lazy.

  17. Keep wages stagnant as productivity increases and tell people they're not rich because they're lazy.

  18. Ann Coulter is physically shaking while they roast her. Its so uncomfortable to watch.

  19. Congratulations !!!! 💍💕🎉👫🍰

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