How an Aldi staff member made one exhausted mum's day

We've all been there: toddler tantrums and shopping don't mix well.
We've all been there: toddler tantrums and shopping don't mix well. Photo: Getty Images

It was a simple act of kindness, but one that made an exhausted mother's day.

Ashley Holmes was shopping at her local Aldi store in Kurri Kurri this week when her son decided to throw an almighty tantrum.

"My 3-year-old son decided he would have a full blown meltdown. Totally lost his marbles! Screaming fit, tantrum. I had my 6 year old son with me too and a full trolley of groceries, so I couldn't just do that 'drop and run' that, let's face it, all us parents have done once or twice in our parenting years," she wrote on Facebook.

Ashley Holmes posted about her experience on Facebook.
Ashley Holmes posted about her experience on Facebook.  Photo: Facebook

"Many customers whispering and glaring. Well, today, I persevered, and thought surely he would settle down in a minute. He didn't. I quickly made my way to the register, loaded the groceries and dashed to the car."

What happened next was unexpected and helped relieve the "complete exhaustion, embarrassment and utter disappointment" Ashley felt after her shopping trip ended in chaos.

"A lady in an Aldi uniform came walking towards me. I thought 'argh, what now?'" Ashley explained.

"BUT, she handed me a beautiful bunch of yellow roses from the store, and said 'we thought you deserved these, I hope your day gets better, and please don't be embarrassed, we understand' and gave me a hug! 

"That gesture honestly brought me to tears. That was so beautiful."

The thankful mum decided to post on Facebook about the encounter to show her appreciation to the staff member. 

Ashley said she wanted to say thank you "for the total NON judgement, for the support, and not whispering about my total lack of control over my child".

Her efforts paid off when the caring woman in question, named Shannon, saw the post and responded.

"You are so welcome Ashley," Shannon wrote.

"I just wanted to let you know your (sic) not alone - our hearts just went out to you and I said ... I'm buying her a bunch of flowers, she deserves it." 

If only more people could adopt Shannon's attitude when they see a mum having a hard time - it certainly would make the world a more welcoming place as we all make our way along the sometimes stressful road of parenthood.