West Papua Information Kit

To promote Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights
by giving you information with which to end the colonial rape of a beloved nation.


Papua also known as New Guinea is an island on the northern part of the Australian continental plate where the plate is being pushed up as it moves over another continental plate north of Papua. The island and the Australian continent were colonised by Melanesian ancestors over fifty thousand years ago, later Asian and European incursions and settlements failed until a British foothold was established on the southern mainland in the late 18th century and a Dutch foothold on the coast of western Papua in the mid 19th century.


In 1962 the membership of the United Nations agreed to occupy and subjugate West Papua, within weeks troops from Pakistan had landed and were imposing their concept of United Nations rule. In 1963 the United Nations accepted an Indonesian offer to provide troops and administion of the territory, an administration which for over fifty years has refused requests by the indigenous population to leave.

A current summary of the "Administrative History" is available from the United Nations at the Archives and Records Management Section of the United Nations.

Murder, Theft, and Oppression

Since gaining control of West Papua on 1st May 1963, the Republic of Indonesia has been conducting campaigns of murder, theft, and oppression. In the months before gaining control, Indonesia pressed the Australian government to deport West Papuan students for unspoken purpose, and on taking control imposed Martial law conditions with mobile police patrolling the streets with automatic weapons. In September, Indonesia declared the territory was being quarantined and access would be restricted to government approved visitors, and two years later began admitting that it has been killing indigenous citizens of the territory and their leaders.

Massacres such as in Biak in 1970 and 1998, and Geselema in 1996 have been an on-going and tragic theme. And each month there are more non-judicial killings, political arrests, and other oppressions of West Papuan human rights.

The systematic Indonesian murder and oppression of the West Papuan people was studied and found to constitute genocide in the Yale Law School paper "Indonesian Human Rights Abuses in West Papua: Application of the Law of Genocide to the History of Indonesian Control" published in 2004. A subsequent Sydney University paper "Genocide in West Papua? - University of Sydney" also considered whether the Indonesian transmigration program, the spread of HIV/AIDS, and other factors are contributing to a program of genocide.

United Nations Trusteeship - the hidden obligation & authority to free West Papua

Under international law the members of the United Nations do not own, and therefore can not trade colonies or non-self-governing territories. Under the Charter of the United Nations, non-self-governing territories such as West New Guinea (West Papua) are the beneficaries of a trust; a trusteeship described in either Chapter XI or in Chapters XII and XIII of the Charter.

In the case of West New Guinea (West Papua) the UN General Assembly in December 1950 agreed in resolution 448 that the Netherlands was subject to the obligations of the "scared trust" which is declared in UN Charter Chapter XII, article 73.

Twelve years later in September 1962 the UN General Assembly in resolution 1752 decided to approve an agreement that made the United Nations the new trustee of West New Guinea (West Papua) for benefit of the people of West Papua; which is the type of trusteeship declared in article 85 and Chapters XII and XIII of the Charter of the United Nations.

The problem and reason that the United Nations is ignoring suffering, looting, and hundreds of thousands of deaths in West New Guinea / West Papua is because the new UN Secretary General did not tell the Trusteeship Council by means of its agenda, about the General Assembly decision, resolution 1752.


Special Autonomy Who Where Why
Military Invasion
Myths & Fact

White house
USA 1961
& nbsp;
United Nations
Resolution 1514
United Nations
Resolution 1541
New York
Act of No Choice
US Embassy
1960s notes
Section 1115
rejected 2005
Genocide Other reports
New York Times
1950 - 2005
Sydney Morning Herald 1961 - 1962 New Zealand papers 1969 other publications
Video reports Graphics Whose Who Contacts
WP Rallies Political Prisoners Refugees HIV/AIDS
Indonesian Military

Denial of Free Speech Quotes
JFK and others
Freeport & Tangguh
US Petition
UN Petition What to ask my
West Papua in English refers to the western half of Papua, but in an apparant attempt to both divide the Papuan people and to confuse the outside world with the names, Indonesia in 2007 imposed political divisions it calls the Province of West Papua (Papua Barat), and the Province of Papua.

WPIK recommends these websites,
Anti-Slavery Slavery Today West Papua News
and Information
West Papua
Media Alerts
Free West Papua West Papua Action Network ETAN International Parliamentarians for West Papua

WPIK commends the production of these YouTube videos,
West Papua - Telek Torture - Tunaliwor Kiwo Papua, Indonesia's silent war Journalist Killed in West Papua
Shooting at peace rally Police action elsewhere US support of Indonesia and funding of KOPASSUS AlJazeera on death in Papua
American teachers killed and Indonesian cover-up documentary
pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
US aid to Indonesian military Papuan concern about US funding International Lawyers for West Papua Demand release of political prisoners
Rally, may 2011 Rally, june 2010 Fighting for West Papua