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Spotlight Science News

Understanding nature's patterns with plasmas

Patterns abound in nature, from zebra stripes and leopard spots to honeycombs and bands of clouds. Somehow, these patterns form and organize all by themselves. To better understand how, researchers have now created a new ...

dateAug 23, 2016 in Plasma Physics
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Graphene under pressure

Small balloons made from one-atom-thick material graphene can withstand enormous pressures, much higher than those at the bottom of the deepest ocean, scientists at the University of Manchester report.

dateAug 25, 2016 in Nanomaterials
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New method developed for producing some metals

The MIT researchers were trying to develop a new battery, but it didn't work out that way. Instead, thanks to an unexpected finding in their lab tests, what they discovered was a whole new way of producing the metal antimony—and ...

dateAug 25, 2016 in Materials Science
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Measuring tiny forces with light

Photons are bizarre: They have no mass, but they do have momentum. And that allows researchers to do counterintuitive things with photons, such as using light to push matter around.

dateAug 25, 2016 in Optics & Photonics
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Image: Hubble Investigates Stellar Shrapnel

Several thousand years ago, a star some 160,000 light-years away from us exploded, scattering stellar shrapnel across the sky. The aftermath of this energetic detonation is shown here in this striking image from the NASA/ESA ...

dateAug 22, 2016 in Astronomy
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Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth's cloud cover

A team of scientists from the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has linked large solar eruptions to changes ...

China sets sights on new global export: nuclear energy

On a seaside field south of Shanghai, workers are constructing a nuclear reactor that is the flagship for Beijing's ambition to compete with the United States, France and Russia as an exporter of atomic power technology.

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How will self-driving cars affect your insurance?

Mark Molthan admits he wasn't paying attention when his car crashed into a fence, leaving him with a bloody nose, according to a news report. The Texan had left control of his Tesla Model S to its autopilot system, which ...

Spitzer Space Telescope begins 'Beyond' phase

Celebrating the spacecraft's ability to push the boundaries of space science and technology, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope team has dubbed the next phase of its journey "Beyond."

Physicists propose method for braiding light

(—Physicists have proposed a way to braid three beams of light by guiding the beams along swirling, vortex-shaped defects in the optical medium through which the beams travel. The braided light would have an unusual ...

New flexible material can make any window 'smart'

Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have invented a new flexible smart window material that, when incorporated into windows, sunroofs, or even curved glass surfaces, will ...

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Scientists map brain's action center
Zika virus may persist in the vagina days after infection
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