Please read the entire post and share if you could!

“Jack Nicholson” – Spray Paint on Canvas by Me.
Sold / Commissioned 3ft x 2ft

Ferrer - Jack N

Everything in my Etsy Shop is 50% off to aid w/ our Brain Tumor battle.  Use coupon code ART50 at checkout to get 50% off listed price.  Etsy Shop –>  Ray’s Shop

**Signed / Limited Prints available here: –> “Jack Prints

Also, please have a look at the rest of my blog if you are unfamiliar with our struggle.  My biopsy of the tumor is scheduled, tentatively, for April 21st.  Enjoy the artwork🙂

Artist Ray Ferrer – Brain Tumor


“Frank Sinatra” – 100% Spray Paint on Canvas by Me…
Sold / Commissioned – 2ft x 2ft  (Prints made available)

EVERYTHING IN MY SHOP .. 50% OFF w/ Code ART50 at checkout to aid w/ my Brain Tumor Fight!
Shop Link: –>
Sinatra Limited / Signed Prints available.. —>  Sinatra Print

Ferrer - FSinatra1 SMALL

So, wanted to post something positive rather just more medical updates on my brain tumor battle.  Enjoy!

“Johnny Cash”
Spray Paint on 30″ x 24″ Canvas by Me
Sold / Commissioned

Prints available at 50% OFF w/ coupon code ART50 at checkout here —>  Johnny Cash Print

Ferrer - JC Finger

Medical Update:

Appt. did not go so well. Tumor at this point is inoperable due to size, location, and risk. Surgery would leave me on medications still and w/ sever motor deficits on my dominant side. Best for now is to stay on these debilitating medications, and wait for referral for 2nd opinion elsewhere which is what we are doing.  Will Keep you posted.

New Artwork: 100% Spray Paint on Canvas by Me:

Originals sold but prints are ready for you🙂  Click the image you like or check out my entire shop.

EVERYTHING in my Shop is 50% OFF with coupon code ART50 to help us w/ our fight.
My shop Link:

US Capitol building (30″ x 24″ – Sold)              Pete Seeger – Banjo (30″ x 24″ – Sold)

Ferrer - Capitol Bldg               Ferrer - Seeger Banjo1

Many of you have been following my struggle with this brain tumor.  I wanted to post something positive…. so here is a painting I created after battling with partial paralysis on my right side (my dominant side) very recently.  I worked on getting back into painting quickly as it really is one of the only things that makes me feel human anymore with all of the meds and seizures related to this baseball sized intruded in my brain.  Please read my timeline if interested🙂  I am very positive and inspired daily by the love and support coming in from around the world.

This piece was from a picture sent to me by a client in Wales.  Here is the image of it.  Clicking it will lead to the video of the creation (painting, not the stenciling which took 40+ hours) which is pretty dang cool.   Enjoy!

Ferrer - Melody

Of course, EVERYTHING is still 50% off in my Etsy shop using coupon code ART50 at checkout (This will cut the price you see in half) to aid with our ever increasing expenses, appts., treatment, medication, etc…

**Store Link –>

Also, any contribution to our GoFundMe is appreciated.  –>

With love and devotion,


Medical Update:

So, I am on 14 pills a day to quiet the seizures and aid with other symptoms of this brain tumor.  Not bad🙂  Ha.  Could always be worse.  I am going for an appt. on the 5th with hematology / oncology to present my case to the tumor board and move forward with a plan.  Either surgeries, chemo, radiation and/or all three.  I’m ready for anything with all of your support and love!  I can’t thank you enough!

New Artwork!

Even after a few days of partial paralysis, I worked through it with strength training, I was able to get out some commissioned pieces and the clients were nice enough to let me make and offer prints!  I am honored when this happens.  As always, EVERYTHING is 50% off of list price in my shop with coupon code ART50.

Shop Link:

Pink Floyd” – Spray Paint on Canvas                                    “Love” – Spray Paint on Canvas

Ferrer - Floyd Butts         Ferrer - Love PRINT

Love and Devotion…. YOUR Artist,

Ray Ferrer & Family

Family, bloggers, friends, fans, and supporters,

Another Seizure:
On Friday the 13th (I know,.. right) I had a seizure that lasted for 2 hours, caused by this brain tumor, as many of you are now aware of.  It landed me in the ER for quite some time and most of it I do not remember.  Which is probably best.

One funny thing I do remember though; as the seizure started I was alert and when the EMT / Ambulance staff arrived they said to me “Sir, can you please hold still so I can get an IV in?”   This actually made me laugh out loud and still does🙂

So, up until today, and still a tad bit so, I am dealing with partial paralysis on my right side which is temporary I am told and called Todd’s Paralysis.  I have been doing strength training, working on writing and typing, etc… to build up my tolerance and abilities to get back to painting.  This blog post, to this point, has taken me over an hour as I get dizzy staring at the screen.

More Artwork:
As my strength increases and as I persevere and push through this partial paralysis I will continue to make new paintings and take on commissioned paintings once again.  This is what I love to do and what keeps me going as I am blessed to say I am a full time artist!

I also wanted to tell you all about 4 old Black & White ORIGINAL paintings I have that were very sentimental to me and I was never going to get rid of them but I must make them available to assist with our fight and fundraising for medical and living expenses.   I have included them in my Etsy shop under the Section “Original Artwork.”  They are 50% off list price with coupon code ART50 if used at checkout (take price you see and cut in half) so the saving are substantial and a great chance to own something of mine that is truly rare!!  Here is each piece.  You can click on each and read a little about it in the description.  I know these are not the vibrant colorful pieces you are used to seeing but these are near and dear to me and the ONLY originals I have left that are mine.  Many people have told me in the past to not open up about my paintings, to leave interpretation to the viewer but these are different.  These I need to share with you so you can see why they mean so much to me so you understand how important it is that they go to a good home, in order to aid us in our financial fight.

Ferrer - Blues Ferrer - Baltimore    Ferrer - New WorldFerrer - Guitar

As always, EVERYTHING in my Etsy Shop is now 50% off with code ART50 to aid our fight.  Prints, originals, you name it!

New View on Life:
I have always been an optimistic guy!  Lately things have really shuffled around for me.  I see things differently, more clearly.  I see people bicker or argue about things that don’t REALLY matter.  This frustrates me more than it used to.  My wife and I are really stressed, stretched, and tested with the situation(s) we are in but we manage to communicate in a loving manner, regardless of the medication reactions (or overreactions) I may have.  We can do it.  When I see other people argue over something as simple as the type of bread to buy, or the fact that a dish was put away in the wrong spot…. it really stands out.  Is this what is important to some?  Is this worth disappointment?

Other than sharing, reblogging, tweeting, facebooking, or whatever you can do with my story…… please remember this…  You are here today!  Smile and enjoy this day as if it is your last!  Please never take anything for granted!

Your artist and friend!

Ray Ferrer