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The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry

The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry promotes science and scientific inquiry, critical thinking, science education, and the use of reason in examining important issues. It encourages the critical investigation of controversial or extraordinary claims from a responsible, scientific point of view and disseminates factual information about the results of such inquiries to the scientific community, the media, and the public.

Come Celebrate Science and Reason at CSICon Las Vegas. Featuring Richard Dawkins, Jill Tarter, James Randi, Eugenie Scott

Check out a special message from James Randi! ›

Check out the CSICon audio promos!

Also upcoming: Women in Secularism 4 ›

The FDA is giving serious consideration to our petition to require that all over-the-counter homeopathic drugs meet the standards of effectiveness applicable to non-homeopathic drugs. Read the letter from the FDA »

Skeptical Inquirer Volume 40.5 —
September/October 2016

Skeptical Inquirer Volume 40.5 Cover

Articles by:

  • Benjamin Radford
  • Bill Nye
  • Daniel C. Dennett
  • Edzard Ernst
  • Joe Nickell
  • Kendrick Frazier
  • Kenneth W. Krause
  • Lawrence M. Krauss
  • Martin Bridgstock
  • Massimo Polidoro
  • and more!

Latest Articles & News

New Superfoods: Kakadu Plums and Cockroach Milk

New Superfoods: Kakadu Plums and Cockroach Milk

by Harriet Hall
Special Articles · SkepDoc's Corner
August 26, 2016

“Put simply, it is magic!” In my opinion, the only thing magical about it is the magical thinking required to believe the claims for it.

El “Detector de mentiras”: gran ejemplo de ciencia chatarra

El “Detector de mentiras”: gran ejemplo de ciencia chatarra

by Morton E. Tavel, translated by Alexandro Borgo
Special Articles · Online Extras
August 25, 2016

¿Cuántas veces se probó que era falsa la “detección de mentiras por una máquina”?

Skeptics to Honor Vox’s Julia Belluz with Critical Thinking Award

Press Releases
August 23, 2016

For deftly debunking unscientific and outrageous medical claims, and for taking on the gurus of pseudoscience and quackery, Julia Belluz of will be awarded the Balles Prize in Critical Thinking by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, a program of the Center for Inquiry. The award will be presented on October 28 at the CSICon conference in Las Vegas.

Life as We Know It: An Interview with Jill Tarter

Life as We Know It: An Interview with Jill Tarter

by Leonard Tramiel
Special Articles
August 23, 2016

So the sorts of “weird life” considered by the NAS in their 2007 report “The Limits of Organic Life in Planetary Systems” could in fact exist on Earth today or on distant real estate orbiting other stars. Now that we know that real estate is there, extremophiles suggest we should investigate worlds unlike Earth as well as looking for Earth 2.0.

Finding a Powerful (and Skeptical) Voice—Speaking Out with Tara Moss

Finding a Powerful (and Skeptical) Voice—Speaking Out with Tara Moss

by Kylie Sturgess
Special Articles · Curiouser and Curiouser
August 22, 2016

Tara Moss is an author, journalist, TV presenter, and an outspoken advocate for the rights of women and children. Since 1999, she has written eleven bestselling books, which have been published in nineteen countries and thirteen languages.

Michael Mann and the Climate Wars

Michael Mann and the Climate Wars

by Mark Boslough
Special Articles · Online Extras
August 17, 2016

Not only can we teach young scientists how to function in the increasingly hostile environment they may find themselves, we must teach them to do so.