Latest News for: today (1972 11 13)


Dollar stores are starting to offer fresh food after years of criticism

Missoulian 02 Jun 2021
In 1967, the federal minimum wage increased to $1.40, which is worth $11.19 today, almost $4 more than today's minimum wage ... The minimum wage remained $1.60 in 1969 and was worth $11.82 in today's money ... In 1970, the $1.60 federal minimum wage was worth the equivalent of $11.13 today.

Yes, your groceries are costing more each month. What's behind the price increases?

Missoulian 24 May 2021
In 1967, the federal minimum wage increased to $1.40, which is worth $11.19 today, almost $4 more than today's minimum wage ... The minimum wage remained $1.60 in 1969 and was worth $11.82 in today's money ... In 1970, the $1.60 federal minimum wage was worth the equivalent of $11.13 today.
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