1,169 plays







You know what the Green Heron is basically the best heron because it is like 90% neck so when it is all folded down it looks like a giant head with wings and legs

but then suddenly ZOOP

fucking green herrons

What the fuck

I had one of these as a patient once. It was so cool!

okay but

you cannot truly understand the sheer magnificence of this stupid birb until you see it in action, so i present to you this:

I’ve seen this post so many times and I just don’t understand where the neck goes

@theburrit0punk ridiculous bird!

the most ridiculous

(Source: lollipopatrice)


If a trans man wants to wear lacy underwear for their partner, it doesn’t invalidate their gender.

If a trans man decides to take on a more “feminine role” during sex, it doesn’t invalidate their gender.

If a trans man wants to be submissive during sex, it doesn’t invalidate their gender.

And if a trans man is too uncomfortable to have sex because of dysphoria, that doesn’t invalidate their gender, either.

Sex positivity for trans men is important. How you express yourself sexually does not invalidate your gender!


starting a girl gang of girls aggressively supporting other girls so reblog if you want in because if we get enough people we’re getting jackets

(Source: tarynnasaurus)