SSDP is a student-run activist organization that promotes alternatives to the failed War on Drugs.



More info here: Fill out survey by October 1, 2012 and please share with your networks. (via Share your stop-and-frisk story for class action lawsuit | Malcolm X Grassroots Movement)




More info here: Fill out survey by October 1, 2012 and please share with your networks. (via Share your stop-and-frisk story for class action lawsuit | Malcolm X Grassroots Movement)


(via inkstainedqueer)

SSDP's First Meeting of the Year

Come to SSDP’s first meeting tonight in Kimmel. 

    • 8:30pm until 9:30pm
  • NYU Kimmel Center - Room 904
  • As Alec said in his e-mail “We will be giving you an essential overview of NYU policies, our objectives for the year, our recent work with ending stop-and-frisk, racial profiling, and invasions of your privacy…As always, expect some free dinner and meet some new friends!" 
    So come to the first meeting of the year to see what the rest has in store, and bring friends interested in our cause (or causes would be more appropriate) :)

Psilocybin Research and Policy Action Meeting!

  • Today
  • 8:00pm until 9:00pm
  • Kimmel 907

Join us for a presentation on psilocybin! We will also meet in committees to discuss end of the year and summer plans for our chapter. Can’t wait to see you there : )

‘Walmart of weed’ weGrow opens Friday in D.C. - The Buzz - The Washington Post


Ha! Love that this is on WaPo’s “The Buzz” blog.

(Source: brooklynmutt, via brooklynmutt)


Multiple sclerosis a degenerative nerve disease effecting an estimated 250,000-350,000 Americans.A person suffering with this disease usually has symptoms that come and go suddenly. These symptoms include: Blurry/doubled vision, arm and leg weakness, muscle stiffness, memory loss, dizziness, loss of bladder control, as well as depression. Living with unpredictable symptoms such as those listed would make life a little scary, don’t you think?On March 1, 2012: In Madrid, Spain, a study was done using cannabinoid agonists, or a synthetically made cannabinoid made to react with our brain and immune system’s cannabinoid receptors. The study was done using mice with MS and found that administering the cannabinoid agonist “moderated disease progression and reduced MS symptoms, including spasms and tremors.”Investigators from the University of California at San Diego also reported that “inhaled cannabis significantly reduced objective measures of pain intensity and spasticity in patients with MS in a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. Researchers concluded, “[S]moked cannabis was superior to placebo in reducing spasticity and pain in patients with multiple sclerosis and provided some benefit beyond currently prescribed treatment.”Don’t you think, with government and officials who ‘care’ and want to ‘help’ it’s people, wouldn’t a plant that could help people suffering from such a prominent disease, have been legalized and promoted many years ago? Cannabis grows naturally, from the ground with soil, sun, and water. Our countries pharmaceutical companies would make verylittle profit from cannabis and the patients who would be helped by it, and this is part of why it remains illegal today.spread the word, spread awareness!View my source HERE.


Multiple sclerosis a degenerative nerve disease effecting an estimated 250,000-350,000 Americans.

A person suffering with this disease usually has symptoms that come and go suddenly. These symptoms include: Blurry/doubled vision, arm and leg weakness, muscle stiffness, memory loss, dizziness, loss of bladder control, as well as depression. Living with unpredictable symptoms such as those listed would make life a little scary, don’t you think?

On March 1, 2012: In Madrid, Spain, a study was done using cannabinoid agonists, or a synthetically made cannabinoid made to react with our brain and immune system’s cannabinoid receptors. The study was done using mice with MS and found that administering the cannabinoid agonist “moderated disease progression and reduced MS symptoms, including spasms and tremors.”

Investigators from the University of California at San Diego also reported that “inhaled cannabis significantly reduced objective measures of pain intensity and spasticity in patients with MS in a placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial. Researchers concluded, “[S]moked cannabis was superior to placebo in reducing spasticity and pain in patients with multiple sclerosis and provided some benefit beyond currently prescribed treatment.”

Don’t you think, with government and officials who ‘care’ and want to ‘help’ it’s people, wouldn’t a plant that could help people suffering from such a prominent disease, have been legalized and promoted many years ago?

Cannabis grows naturally, from the ground with soil, sun, and water. Our countries pharmaceutical companies would make verylittle profit from cannabis and the patients who would be helped by it, and this is part of why it remains illegal today.

spread the word, spread awareness!

View my source HERE.

(Source: lanagreene, via truth-has-a-liberal-bias)

March to demand Mayor Bloomberg end marijuana arrests now!

Public Event · By Drug Policy Alliance - New York Office

12:00pm until 2:00pm
77th and 5th Ave, Manhattan, 6 train to 77th Street

  • Join New Yorkers for Health and Safety as we March to Mayor Bloomberg’s home demanding an end to ILLEGAL and DISCRIMINATORY marijuana arrests by the NYPD.

SSDP Meeting Tonight!

909 Kimmel at 8:30pm!

U.S. Faces Challenge to "Drug War" as Latin American Countries Mull Decriminalization, Legalization

Exclusive: Why Can’t You Smoke Pot? Because Lobbyists Are Getting Rich Off of the War on Drugs


7:00pm until 9:00pm

Kimmel 905/907
Learn how to say ‘NO’ to illegal NYPD searches and surveillance at our biannual Know Your Rights TrainingJoin us and protect yourself from the NYPD! Attend our Know Your Rights Training Thursday March 8 at 7 pm in Kimmel 905/907. Learn the facts to stand up for yourself. You CAN say NO to the police. There will be a panel of speakers from the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, who was a a big hit with Cop Watch and the NYU Troy Davis Response Collective. This is an important event, you don’t want to miss it! Co-hosted by College Democrats!