#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #TheKelseyTheater #LakePark #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #TheKelseyTheater #LakePark #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #TheCubanClub #Tampa #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #TheCubanClub #Tampa #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #TheInlet #FortPierce #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #TheInlet #FortPierce #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #CafeDaVinci #Deland #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #CafeDaVinci #Deland #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #MillikensReef #CapeCanaveral #Florida

#ReaganYouth w/#DeadKennedys #MillikensReef #CapeCanaveral #Florida

The presidential debate on the divide due to people’s skin color ( race is an ugly word. I am not conpetiting in a ‘race’ with other human beings ). My fellow human from the band’s borough of Queens New York, who doesn’t pay Federal taxes and has No...

The presidential debate on the divide due to people’s skin color ( race is an ugly word. I am not conpetiting in a ‘race’ with other human beings ). My fellow human from the band’s borough of Queens New York, who doesn’t pay Federal taxes and has No Class said “Law and Order”. Why didn’t Killary respond with “ New order. No order. Disorder. And keep on dissin’ the idea of order, especially with jails built for profit. $he’s said $he’s gonna end that $ocial injustice…. but like $ome lawyer so I don’t believe her.. What to do, what to do….. Get Trump’s good friend Clinton to make sure he’ll continue to be in the highest tax bracket yet never pay one red cent to the government. It’s not even coke vs pepsi anymore but diet coke vs coke zero, shit’s like that now

We owe so much to CRASS ( https://www.facebook.com/crass/ ), especially when it comes to this band’s artwork which was happily pilfered from this most awesome @narchist punk rock band. Music with a message not infused with hate and/or indifference but with love and that always makes the song that much better

This is not simply about my bass player Tibbie X, but to all women who have to deal with sexism and ageism. So when I see a comment about Tibbie from someone that’s states “I pretty sure her persona of *chick thats too old to do that shit was spot on and in no way a lie”. A chick ?! And “Too old to do that shit” ?!?, I’m like really! Really?!? Because I just don’t think so, I know so for a fuckin’ fact that Tibbie, and countless other women out there, are not too old to do what they do. That someone answered that comment with a reply “I love you”, WHY? Is it so important to embrace sexism and ageism? Some people need to feel better about themselves by putting down others for the reason of still being able to rock sumthin’ fierce, as Tibbie x does each and every time she hits the stage with me whether it be a fest or a basement show. When Tibbie first joined the band she asked what she needed to do to be Reagan Youth’s bassist and I told her “Learn Whipping Post by the Allmans and Green Grass and High Tides by the Outlaws”, two songs Dave Insurgent always wanted the band to cover, and Tibbie did, even if it meant taking lessons from a bass teacher to learn how Berry Oakley played Whipping Post. That’s a band mate, that’s a friend, that’s a non judgmental human being that went out and learned two southern rock classics to get the band’s bass sound down. Am I saddened that someone answered that comment reeking with sexism and ageism with “I Love You”, you best believe it saddens me, but not sad enough to say “I LOVE YOU TIBBIE X ” and that’s for all you have done to keep Reagan Youth going, which is way more than all the ex members I had since I came back in 2006, including two guys from the 80’s that played on the records, combined. Tibbie has a true rock n’ roll spirit, looks great at any age ( and no, it’s none of your beeswax what her age is ) and can play alongside me as long as she wants to, because I really do want her to.

Now I’m quoting a fan who sent an e mail to the band and it goes like this…. “A.J. really struck a nerve while airing his other band’s dirty laundry. If he wants to go on social media and tell people Tibbie X is too old to do WHATEVER that’s fine but as a Reagan Youth fan since the 80’s, and a female of a certain age with daughters, I won’t even give your band a listen, buy your merch, go to your show, will tell friends to not go to your show…….yadda, yadda, yadda”. It ends with “I’d rather hear Beatrice pull on a feral cats tail than provide in any way for the lifestyle of that troglodyte” and you know what, I agree with that fan 100%.

So with that being said, I must tell you I hate airing my band’s dirty laundry, but I hate what Tibbie is going through more, but mostly I hate sexism, ageism and MOST IMPORTANTLY I HATE HATE.

Respectively yours, Paul Cripple

#ReaganYouth - reagan-youth.com/events

#ReaganYouth - reagan-youth.com/events

Happy birthday Dave ! I guess I’m always gonna remember his birthday from now on. Here’s a flyer that has his artwork on it, it’s so frickin’ obvious, ain’t it now. Nice that some flier Dave worked on back in 84 (?) still looks kool like a...

Happy birthday Dave ! I guess I’m always gonna remember his birthday from now on. Here’s a flyer that has his artwork on it, it’s so frickin’ obvious, ain’t it now. Nice that some flier Dave worked on back in 84 (?) still looks kool like a muthafucka. Now for the rest of us Let US Live Long and Prosper

Friday, September 16th with #TheOffspring is #SOLDOUT

Friday, September 16th with #TheOffspring is #SOLDOUT

#EastCoast quick run in September!
Saturday, September 17th we play #ShakersPub in #OakdaleNY

#EastCoast quick run in September!

Saturday, September 17th we play #ShakersPub in #OakdaleNY