Snuck a bunch of pets onto the ride back to LA. 😎 (at Kettleman City, California)

Detail ;)~~~ (at Sonoma, California)

Just finished up this little mural in Sonoma County. Fun piece fun place!!

How are you doggy in the window? “I’m fine” (at Highland Park, Los Angeles)

Sketching out a few ideas for a cowboy scene. Makin plans for a few LARGE paintings. FINALLY!!

“I gave up on purpose a long time ago kid.” #adogspurpose #adogspurposemovie

“My purpose? Get out'a'here with that philosophical bull sh@&*. I’m a busy man.” #adogspurpose #adogspurposemovie

“What IS my purpose in life?” #adogspurpose #adogspurposemovie

I can share these now!!! A few commissions were sent in a rush without nabbin a photo but here’re a few! ❤🖋

Too bad I can’t share all these cuties with y'all yet!! Holiday season ✨is upon us.