Take a deep breathe
And another
And another
Focus on how your chest feels expanding and shrinking
Know you are loved
Know you are special
Know it’ll be okay
This isn’t the end of the world
It will never be the end
I love you
To anyone who needs to hear this
(via earthly-vibrations)


“I saw that the camera could be a weapon against poverty, against racism, against all sorts of social wrongs. I knew at that point I had to have a camera.” – Gordon Parks

Segregation history, Gordon parks. 1956


Reblog if you agree: safe and legal abortion should be accessible to all!


Reblog if you agree: safe and legal abortion should be accessible to all!



The UCC shooting in Oregon is the 45th school shooting in America this year and the 142nd since Sandy Hook. (via)

For the latest on the situation in Oregon.

theme by iemai