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“ GET YOUR “Brooklyn is Not for Sale” T-shirts & Support Equality for Flatbush’s Before It’s Gone// Take It Back Campaign ! Come to the E4F/BAN Table THIS MONDAY 9/5 at The Caribbean Day Parade from 10am-5pm at 410 Eastern...
“ GET YOUR “Brooklyn is Not for Sale” T-shirts & Support Equality for Flatbush’s Before It’s Gone// Take It Back Campaign ! Come to the E4F/BAN Table THIS MONDAY 9/5 at The Caribbean Day Parade from 10am-5pm at 410 Eastern...
“ GET YOUR “Brooklyn is Not for Sale” T-shirts & Support Equality for Flatbush’s Before It’s Gone// Take It Back Campaign ! Come to the E4F/BAN Table THIS MONDAY 9/5 at The Caribbean Day Parade from 10am-5pm at 410 Eastern...
“ GET YOUR “Brooklyn is Not for Sale” T-shirts & Support Equality for Flatbush’s Before It’s Gone// Take It Back Campaign ! Come to the E4F/BAN Table THIS MONDAY 9/5 at The Caribbean Day Parade from 10am-5pm at 410 Eastern...


GET YOUR “Brooklyn is Not for Sale” T-shirts & Support Equality for Flatbush’s Before It’s Gone// Take It Back Campaign ! Come to the E4F/BAN Table THIS MONDAY 9/5 at The Caribbean Day Parade from 10am-5pm at 410 Eastern Parkway, between Bedford and Rogers (Closest to Rogers Ave)
or Order your SHIRT online TODAY for $25.00 (free shipping) at allow 2 weeks for delivery
“Brooklyn is Not For Sale” t-shirts in Haitian Kreyol, Spanish & English . “Take It Back - Before It’s Gone” appears in English on the back of all shirts. Sizes are: S,M,L,XL,2XL
Thank you for your support!
BEFORE IT’S GONE //TAKE IT BACK: Documenting Brooklyn - Fighting Gentrification is a Brooklyn-wide project of Equality for Flatbush see for details

***URGENT 10/1 NATIONAL ACTION NEEDED for #CharlotteUprising***:


***URGENT 10/1 NATIONAL ACTION NEEDED for #CharlotteUprising***: At the time of this writing, The CMPD is ramping up repression against demonstrators. Throughout the day and this evening of 9/30, they have been issuing warrants to arrest activists who’ve been in the streets to protest the police murder of #KeithLamontScott that they have allegedly identified through video footage. The CMPD needs to know that the eyes of the world are on them and we won’t stand for repression of our movements for justice! #CharlotteProtest

We demand an immediate end to repression of demonstrators in Charlotte!
Call/Email CMPD, Mecklenburg County Sheriff, Mayor Roberts, Attorney General Roy Cooper, & Governor Pat McCrory
Jail Liaison - Karla Gary
OFFICE PHONE: 980-314-5550
Public Information Manager - Anjanette Flowers Grube
OFFICE PHONE: 980-314-5170
CELL PHONE: 704-634-5072

Mayor Jennifer Roberts
Phone: 704-336-2241

Governor Pat McCrory
Phone: (919) 814-2000

Attorney General Roy Cooper
Telephone: (919) 716-6400

Since demonstrations began against the police murder of Keith Lamont Scott, police in Charlotte have been mass arresting protesters & legal observers, using chemical weapons, and violating their most basic rights.

Jamil Gill (aka #KingMills), who many around the country and the world know for his on the ground livestreams from the first nights of protest, has been a particular target of police repression ever since the protests began. He was arrested and issued an outrageous bond of $320,000, which the movement fought and reduced to a still obscene amount of $162,000.

He was bonded out early in the day on September 28, and subsequently REARRESTED by police as he ate lunch! This is a clear attempt to intimidate and harass Gill, and an attempt by the state to silence and have a chilling effect on the rest of the movement.

During demonstrations on September 21, police attacked the protests and killed 26 year old Black man #JustinCarr. Continuing their targeting Black and Brown people and a total lack of transparency by the CMPD, they are falsely accusing Raquan Borum for Justin’s death.

The police have continued to violate arrestee’s legal rights by:
Instructing the National Guard and police to blockade the jail (at least three times since the uprising began) to prevent the release of arrestees whose bond was paid
Using bogus excuses like fire drills, ‘suspicious packages,’ and even characterizing our jail solidarity team gathering at the jail as a ‘protest’ to lock down the jail for hours
Intentionally delaying the release of arrestees
Not published arrestees’ names online, impeding our ability to provide them legal support

We need you to call and email the jail, Charlotte and state officials and demand that they stop violating arrestees’ rights!

Script for call or email -

“Hello -

My name is _______ and I am a resident of ________. Can I speak to ?

I am calling to demand that you stop the repression of demonstrators in Charlotte.

We demand an end to the attacks on Jamil Gill! Stop the arrests of all protesters!
We demand that an independent investigation of the killing of Keith L Scott and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Dept!
We demand that you stop purposefully obstructing the release of arrestees!
We demand that all the charges against those who have been arrested are dropped!

Hands off #CharlotteUprising! The whole world is watching, and we won’t stop until our demands are met and the people get justice!

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