From Greece to Anarchy

A view from Athens
I insist on another world.
I have dreamt of it so much,
I have wandered inside of it so much
that it’s impossible for it not to exist.

I insist on another world.
I have dreamt of it so much,
I have wandered inside of it so much

that it’s impossible for it not to exist.

“ “Anarchy will blossom on the ruins of civilization and the ideologies that keep it alive”.
Athens, Syntagma Sq.


“Anarchy will blossom on the ruins of civilization and the ideologies that keep it alive”.

Athens, Syntagma Sq.

(via kaotiskavald)

Anarchists in Agios Panteleimonas (Athens, Greece) pay a visit to “welcome” the new offices of a fascist group in the area!

Anarchists in Agios Panteleimonas (Athens, Greece) pay a visit to “welcome” the new offices of a fascist group in the area!

Stencil in Athens, Greece.

Stencil in Athens, Greece.

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