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This chapter examines anarchist approaches to ethno-cultural difference , offering three main arguments. The first is that anarchists were early and consistent opponents of racism and imperialism, both in advanced capitalist countries and in the colonial and post-colonial world, reflecting the movement’s transnational connections and internationalist outlook. While anarchists remain at the front lines of anti-racist and anti-colonial politics worldwide, the universalist terms in which their predecessors constructed their cosmopolitanism have come into question, as anarchists increasingly express intersectionalist critiques of domination with distinct post-colonial and poststructuralist resonances.

In L. Cordeiro-Rodrigues and M. Simendic, eds. 2015. Philosophies of Multiculturalism: Beyond liberalism, London: Routledge



This week several anarchists in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands and other cities, received police visits. The police delivered letters containing the intentions of mayor Jozias van Aartsen to prohibit anarchists from setting foot in the Schilderswijk neighbourhood in The Hague for the coming two months.

The letters stated that the anarchists were to blame for “structural nuisance”. This nuisance would consist of unannounced demonstrations, disturbing of the peace and the disturbing of demonstrations. The letters contain a list of allegations to which people are being associated to or for which they have been arrested. These allegations differ per person. They range from squatting, participation in spontaneous demonstrations, pasting posters and destroying a prison fence. What the anarchists have in common is that they are all active against institutionalised racism, ethnic profiling and the racist The Hague police force. All of them were also preemptively arrested on the 27th of June, after a demonstration commemorating Mitch Henriquez who was murdered by police last year.

The letter also states that “there was a presence of people associated with Anti-Fascist Action (AFA)” during the four nights of rioting last year after the police murder on Mitch Henriquez, and that they “had an inciting and catalysing role in escalating the demonstration to the point of a riot”. It is also claimed that people linked to AFA “have breached the peace multiple times in the Schilderswijk”.

If we must all agree, all work together, we’re no better than a machine. If an individual can’t work in solidarity with his fellows, it’s his duty to work alone. His duty and his right. We have been denying people that right. We’ve been saying, more and more often, you must work with the others, you must accept the rule of the majority. But any rule is tyranny. The duty of the individual is to accept no rule, to be the initiator of his own acts, to be responsible. Only if he does so will the society live, and change, and adapt, and survive. We are not subjects of a State founded upon law, but members of a society founded upon revolution. Revolution is our obligation: our hope of evolution.
Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed 

Anonymous asked:

what are some suggetions for reading matrial about the general ideas of anarchy and communism you would give a person uneducated about these?

Hey there anon,

I’d recommend the following material:

I hope they help! Take it easy, don’t rush your reading, anarchism and communism can be intimidating subject to tackle given their undeserving historical baggage.

Happy reading!

- J.


Anonymous asked:

What's the difference in between personal and private property, or what could I read on it?

Hi anon,

A good question! Alexander Berkman summed this up well in 1929:

“The revolution abolishes private ownership of the means of production and distribution, and with it goes capitalistic business. Personal possession remains only in the things you use. Thus, your watch is your own, but the watch factory belongs to the people.” – What Is Communist Anarchism?

Essentially personal property is your laptop, guitar, book collection, garden shed, motorcycle etc. You can’t exploit people with your personal possessions. They’re just your stuff. Private property, however, is typically property “which can be used only to exploit people – land and buildings, instruments of production and distribution, raw materials and manufactured articles, money and capital.” (Nicholas Walter, About Anarchism). This is property owned by a minority that the majority need access to, and results in a hierarchical relationship such as employer-employee or landlord-tenant. In this respect, as Proudhon famously said, property is theft!

I hope that helps. You can find some reading ideas below.

- J.

Suggested reading:

anon property

scottish-socialist asked:

Hope you don't mind me asking. This is a new blog and I was wondering if you'd be able to recommend more blogs like yours to follow? Thanks X


No problem at all. In no particular order I’d personally recommend:







That’s all I can think of at the moment. If any followers have any good recommendations (and I’m sure you do) please let @scottish-socialist know!

- J.

“ antifainternational:
“ Joel Almgren is a Swedish anti-fascist who is currently serving a five-year sentence for defending a local community-organized anti-racist demonstration in Stockholm against a brutal Nazi attack on December 15,...



Joel Almgren is a Swedish anti-fascist who is currently serving a five-year sentence for defending a local community-organized anti-racist demonstration in Stockholm against a brutal Nazi attack on December 15, 2013. The peaceful protest—against fascist assaults on local anti-racists and the dissemination of Nazi propaganda in area schools—was attacked with knives, sticks, and glass bottles by the most militant Nazi group in Sweden. Anti-fascists at the scene defended the demonstration from the attack and many were injured themselves.

Joel has over $4080 USD in fines, and his supporters are asking for help raising the money.  Föreningen fånggruppen has spearheaded support for Joel and are accepting donations here.  They’re also looking for help translating between English and Swedish, so if you have those skills, get in touch!

Facebook page to support Joel here.

Joel can read English and Swedish.  Write to him here:

Joel Almgren
KVA Tidaholm
522 85 Tidaholm

News article here:


transkafka Source: antifainternational
When the highwayman holds his gun to your head, you turn your valuables over to him. You ‘consent’ alright, but you do so because you cannot help yourself, because you are compelled by his gun. Are you not compelled to work for an employer? Your need compels you, just as the highwayman’s gun.
What is Anarchism? Alexander Berkman (via bmo-the-communist)
guerrillatech Source: bmo-the-communist
“ “Written by ex-Black Panther turned anarchist Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, Anarchism and the Black Revolution is both an easy-to-read introduction to the fundamental principles of class struggle anarchism and an analysis of their...


Written by ex-Black Panther turned anarchist Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, Anarchism and the Black Revolution is both an easy-to-read introduction to the fundamental principles of class struggle anarchism and an analysis of their relevance to the black liberation movement. Also contains a good section on why the author is an anarchist and why non-class struggle anarchists are useless.

Anarchism and the Black Revolution.pdf

transkafka Source: thesubversivesound