
Lydia Brimelow of, writes: Welcome, all new visitors who may have found as a result of the media frenzy around the Alt-Right. is a non-profit journalistic enterprise, the main project of the VDARE Foundation. We publish data, analysis, and editorial commentary in a variety of formats. We inform the fight to keep America American.

The VDare Foundation’s mission is education on two main issues: first, the unsustainability of current US immigration policy and second, the “National Question,” which is the viability of the US as a nation-state. We do this through the webzine and VDARE Books, public speaking, conferences, debates and media appearances. For more information about our organization's history and positions, please visit our About page.

I invite you to peruse our extensive archives that go back almost twenty years. Explore the countless ways immigration and national identity determine the future of our nation and the world. If you like what you see, please donate to our cause. We do not have Mainstream Media support or deep pocketed donors. We only have our readers. Thank you, and enjoy!


Cher Compares Trump To Hitler While Hillary Looks On. The Son Of Holocaust Survivors, Father Of 9/11 Victim, Objects....

Recently, the singer Cher spoke at a fundraiser with Hillary Clinton in (where else?) Cape Cod. [ She believes! Pop icon Cher joins Hillary Clinton at Cape Cod rally as her campaign continues fundraising blitz, Daily Mail, August 21, 2016] In an expletive-filled rant she called Donald Trump a "racist" for his plans to build a wall at the Mexican border, comparing him to Hitler.
“Consummate liar, doesn’t care who she hurts, insane and, you know, sociopathic narcissist,” she said. “I just wish he’d fall off the face of the earth.”

Veering into more incendiary territory, Cher invoked “old despots” and received a subdued response when she mentioned Hitler and Stalin.

“We’re going to make Germany great again,” she said, before digressing to a bit on Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.

[ Raising Money For Clinton, Cher Sounds Off (And Not Just About Trump), By Jonathan Martin, August 23, 2016]

Clinton did not demur, but as the son of Holocaust survivors, and the father of a 9/11 victim, I find this profoundly outrageous.

Hundreds of terror attacks have killed thousands,

Tale Of Two Speeches: Brave (And Honorable) Trump! B-o-r-i-n-g, Paranoid Clinton Editor Peter Brimelow writes:

A very important speech was given today—by Donald J. Trump, in Manchester New Hampshire. (Transcript), It continued his recent pattern (here, here) of powerful calls for patriotic immigration reform:
For decades, the American people have demanded that their immigration laws be enforced and that their jobs be protected from out-of-control immigration. But the special interests, who only want cheap labor, have stopped it from happening.

(That means you, Bush clan).

But it also contained a dramatic defense of Americans’ right to discuss immigration and crime, anticipating Hillary Clinton’s attempt to shout down such discussion by screaming RACIST!!!!

Trump said [ VDARE.links]:
Voters are used to the old game where failed politicians like Hillary Clinton falsely smear Republicans with charges of racism. Republicans then back down. Democrats then continue to push policies that are devastating to communities of color.

We must break this corrupt cycle. And we are going to break it beginning today.

So let me make some very clear statements before this whole country.

First, on the border. People who want their laws enforced and respected, and who want their border secured, are not racists. They are patriotic Americans of all backgrounds who want their jobs protected and their country kept safe.

I will never apologize for pledging to enforce

Prediction: If Hillary Wins, She’ll Have A Special Prosecutor Investigating Her Corruption Within A Year

Prediction: If Hillary Clinton wins, within a year of her inauguration, she will be under investigation by a special prosecutor on charges of political corruption, thereby continuing a family tradition.

For consider what the Associated Press reported this week:

The surest way for a person with private interests to get a Read more >>

No More GOP Pandering–Trump Asking Minorities To Vote Like Americans!

intrumpwetrustThe modern Democratic Party is obsessed with voting blocs they call "Latinos," "Hispanics" and the "blacks and browns.”

But apart from ethnic pimps trying to get money from the government, no authentic person calls himself a "Hispanic." They're "Portuguese," "Cuban" or "Colombian"—and they don't think of themselves as "brown.”

Everybody else is from a country.

It's an insult to imagine that recent immigrants are all in a simmering rage at Trump's affront to the brown masses. Salvadorans and Guatemalans resent having to pretend they're Mexican—much less Mexican illegal immigrant rapists.

Mexico is heaving Hondurans out of their country. El Salvador and Honduras went to war over a soccer game. But we're supposed to imagine that the moment they cross the Rio Grande, they all become blood brothers.

The only people who believe in something called "Hispanics" are white liberals and the RNC. The condescending class is not happy unless they are infantilizing minorities.

Republicans B.T. (Before Trump) worked overtime to

Leo DiCaprio’s Dirty Dollars…And Hillary’s

Actor-playboy Leonardo DiCaprio walked away from a fender bender in the Hamptons this weekend without a scratch.

But the outspoken liberal should not escape unscathed from his train wreck of high-dollar financial dealings with donors and businessmen in one of world's most rotten regimes.

Forget about the saving the environment, son.

SAID IN SPANISH: Mexico Grooms DREAMer Fifth Column; Puerto Rican Astrologer Picks Hillary; “Trump Must Be Stopped”...

They used to sacrifice people on that pyramid

Mexico’s elite is still terrified of Trump—and it’s still blatantly meddling in U.S. politics. (My translations throughout.).

Mexican Government Grooming DREAMer Fifth Column

One of the justifications for the whole DREAMer Amnesty is these poor kids were brought here so young they don’t even know their home country blah blah. In other words, these DREAMers are more American than Mexican (or whatever), so let’s legalize ‘em ASAP.

Oh yeah? So why were a group of DREAMERS taken to Mexico to get them back in touch with their roots? After getting in touch with said roots, they were whisked back here to the U.S. of A.

La Opinión, the biggest Spanish-language periodical in the United States, featured the story, including a photo (above) of the group visiting the pyramids of Teotihuacan near Mexico City:
After reconnecting with their roots
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