

Undercover: writers' festival season in full bloom

Erica Jong will be at Ubud Writers & Readers Festival in October.

Writers' festival season is well underway wherever you may be in the country with the inaugural Canberra Writers Festival on this weekend (canberrawritersfestival.com.au) and Melbourne Writers Festival (mwf.org.au) sprawling over this weekend and next. Closer to home, Sydney Jewish Writers Festival opens on Saturday evening at Bondi Pavilion, continues all day Sunday at Waverley Library, with a final session on stress-free parenting with Shelley Davidow on Monday morning (sjwf.org.au). I will be part of the launch of Rebellious Daughters, an anthology of memoirs by Australian women, along with editors Maria Katsonis and Lee Kofman, and another contributor, Leah Kaminsky, who will also join me with Steven Amsterdam and Rabbi David Freeman in a session called "We Need to Talk about Dying". Other speakers include David Gonski, Arnold Zable, Mireille Juchau, and in the children's program Anna and Barbara Feinberg, the mother and daughter who for 20 years have created the popular Tashi books.

Australian noir of the first order

It's just not cricket: Jock Serong's latest novel is a beautifully written and acutely observed examination of the ...

Two new Australian crime novels share a nuanced understanding of how quite ordinary extraordinary people may find themselves up to their necks in trouble.

Top 10 Bestsellers

<i>The 78-Storey Treehouse<i>, by Andy Griffiths.

The latest Treehouse adventures from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton have swiftly knocked the middle-aged boy wizard, Harry Potter, from the top of the bestseller lists

Gretchen Shirm: books that changed me

Author Gretchen Shirm

Gretchen Shirm is a writer and lawyer. She has been published in The Best Australian Stories, Etchings, Wet Ink, and Southerly. She was named one of the Sydney Morning Herald Best Young Australian Novelists for her collection, Having Cried Wolf. Her new novel, Where the Light Falls (Allen & Unwin), follows a photographer's efforts to understand his former girlfriend's death.

Larkin's Devour chilling Antarctic thriller

L.A. Larkin, author, loves the fast pace of thrillers.

When Australian thriller writer LA (Louise) Larkin heard of a British expedition to Antarctica where a team of scientists were planning to drill 3km down into a subglacial lake that had been isolated for half a million years, the first question she asked herself was what if.

A collaboration in crime

Candice Fox, author of Never Never, her second collaboration with crime writer James Patterson.

Candice Fox cornered best-selling author James Patterson at a cocktail party and next thing she knew they were writing a book.