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    Texas Braces for Budget Cuts as Economy, Medicaid, Spending Decisions Collide
    Dallas News | 01 September 2016
    Dramatically shrink the pool of money…

    These Neighbors Got Tired of Waiting for Traditional Developers
    Next City | 30 August 2016
    Community conversations that eventually…

    California Assembly Passes Bill for Private Worker Retirement Plan
    Reuters | 25 August 2016
    Workers who do not…


    Strieber interviews Dolan, Fitts & Farrell

    YouTube | 24 August 2016
    The way…who…where…and what…

    Japan Throws Spanner into Brexit Negotiations
    Naked Capitalism | 05 September 2016
    Those firms have no reason to…

    Inside Bill Clinton’s Nearly $18 Million Job as ‘Honorary Chancellor’ of a For-profit College
    Washington Post | 05 September 2016
    Fastest growing college network in the…

    Obama Calls Off Meeting with Philippine Leader amid ‘Whore’ Jibe
    BBC| 05 September 2016
    Extrajudicial killings…

    Video: G20 Summit Evening Gala
    Zinhuanet | 04 September 2016
    Sights and sounds…


    India To Launch 5 Satellites In September
    Space Daily | 05 September 2016
    Two launches this…

    Ireland to Challenge EU Ruling on Apple’s $14.5 Billion Tax Bill
    ARS Technica | 03 September 2016
    Ireland will appeal against…

    Israelis Fear Satellite Loss Could Set Back Its Space Industry
    Physics | 02 September 2016
    Israeli-built and -owned Amos 6 satellite that…

    Ceres: The Tiny World Where Volcanoes Erupt Ice
    ASU | 01 September 2016
    Core and a complex…

    Nashvillians on Transit Plan: Are You Out of Your Flippin’ Mind?
    Next City | 01 September 2016
    Big vision and it comes with…


    Dr. Drew was Asked to Retract Hillary Health Comments – Received “Scary” and “Creepy” Calls
    Activist Post | 05 September 2016
    Analyzing what medical records…

    Imperfect Produce: Ugly Produced Delivered in San Francisco
    Imperfect Produce | 05 September 2016
    1 in 5 fruits and vegetables…

    Syngenta Terrorized Scientist for 15 Years to Quell Concerns About Atrazine
    Mercola | 03 September 2016
    Second most…

    Monsanto Mistake Spawns Widespread Crop Losses
    Mercola | 02 September 2016
    Likely to worsen toxicity of…

    States Voting on Marijuana, Medical or Recreational, in November
    Governing | 02 September 2016
    American Public Health Association generally…

    The film Vaxxed Could be Outlawed in California, If this Bill Passes
    Jon Rappoport | 22 August 2016
    Journalist receiving and posting…


    Modern Education

    YouTube | 19 December 2015
    Questions are offensive…

    Luke Aikins No Parachute 25,000 Feet Airplane Jump Complete Video

    YouTube | 30 July 2016
    World Records as…


    Putin Pushes for Oil Freeze Deal With OPEC, Exemption for Iran
    Bloomberg | 02 September 2016
    Right decision for…

    Solar Dollars-a Private Currency with Multiple Benefits
    Beyond Money | 26 August 2016
    Circulation and value…

    The August Jobs Report in 15 Charts
    WSJ | 02 September 2016
    Only counts people who are…

    Jack Ma: Wars Start when Trade Stops
    CNN Money | 02 September 2016
    Every time there’s an election, people start…

    Drewry: Spot Container Rates Surge after Hanjin Collapse
    World Maritime News | 02 September 2016
    Increased by 42% to…

    Shipshape? What You Need to Know about Hanjin’s Troubles
    CNBC | 02 September 2016
    44 out of its 98 container ships have…


    FBI Finds Up to 30 dDeleted Benghazi Emails Clinton did Not Turn Over
    Powerline | 30 August 2016

    The Woman Who Stopped the War with Iran – Gwenyth Todd

    YouTube | 09 August 2016
    (Press TV) Uniting patriots worldwide in…

    Survivors of Aurora Shooting Ordered to Pay Theater’s $700,000 Legal Bill
    Guns America | 01 September 2016
    Ordering the plaintiffs to pay Cinemark’s…

    YouTube | 25 August 2016
    Alex interviews Nigel…


    Record-tying Oklahoma Earthquake Felt as Far Away as Arizona
    WTOP | 03 September 2016
    Fresh attention to…

    10 Mind-blowing Facts about the CERN Large Collider You Need to Know
    RT | 01 September 2016
    Science – and religion – sounding the…

    Hermine Breaks 11-Year Hurricane Drought Record
    Weather | 02 September 2016

    Hurricane Hermine Very Close to Landfall in Florida; Hurricane-Force Winds Coming Ashore
    Weather | 01 September 2016
    Keeps on strengthening…

    SpaceX Explosion Takes Out Facebook’s Multi-million Dollar Satellite
    New Atlas | 01 September 2016

    YouTube | 01 September 2016


    Monsanto Whistleblower Receives $22mn Award Under US Federal Govt Program
    RT | 01 September 2016
    Reporting of revenue from…

    Risky Alone, Deadly Together
    Washington Post | 31 August 2016
    Growing rates of premature…

    Cry Me a River, Aetna
    Bill Moyers | 29 August 2016
    Meanwhile, their profits are…

    How The American Supermarket Can Best Serve Hispanic And Asian Customers
    Shelby Report | 26 August 2016
    Differences between Asian cuisines are more dramatic…

    Aerial Spraying In & Around Zika Zone To Continue Saturday
    Miani CBS | 25 August 2016
    Policy perspective, it creates a false…

    There’s Even More Evidence that One Activity Could Help Slow the Aging Process
    BI | 24 August 2016
    Proof that…


    Ugh: Donald Trump Is (Statistically) The World’s Most Famous Person
    Vocativ | 30 August 2016

    Watch Mel Brooks Mourn Gene Wilder: ‘I’m Still Reeling’
    Rollingstone | 31 August 2016

    YouTube | 31 August 2016
    ‘Why are they always’…

    A Turning Point for the Charter School Movement
    Truth Out | 31 August 2016
    Turning steadily against…

    University of Chicago Triggers a Fresh Debate about Free Speech on Campus
    Economist | 30 August 2016
    Should be taken with a grain…

    “I’m Triggered, I’m Triggered, I Need a Safe Space”
    Jon Rappoport | 30 August 2016
    Some students have even suggested…


    Obama To “Ratify” Climate Treaty By Himself
    Info Wars | 30 August 2016
    Run on home safes as Germans…

    The Sheriff Who Sold His County
    Reality Bloger | 22 May 2011
    That’s another $152.5…

    SpaceX Static Fire Anomaly 1/250x speed

    YouTube | 01 September 2016
    Second stage, which was being…

    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars: An Introduction Programming Manual
    Lawful Path | 02 September 2016
    Operations Research Technical Manual – TW-SW7905.1

    ‘Like It’s Been Nuked’: Millions of Bees Dead after South Carolina Sprays for Zika Mosquitoes
    Washington Post | 01 September 2016
    Dead heaps signaled…


    On Work
    By Kahlil Gibran

    You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.
    For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons,
    and to step out of life’s procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite.

    When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.
    Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?

    Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
    But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth’s furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born,
    And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
    And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life’s inmost secret.



    “I can track the real-world inflation of the Burrito Index with great accuracy: the cost of a regular burrito from our local taco truck has gone up from $2.50 in 2001 to $5 in 2010 to $6.50 in 2016. That’s a $160% increase since 2001; 15 years in which the official inflation rate reports that what $1 bought in 2001 can supposedly be bought with $1.35 today.” ~ Charles Hugh Smith

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    Author Charles Hugh Smith will join me this week on the Solari Report to discuss the real rate of inflation.  We will talk about his recent comments on inflation — The Burrito Index and Revealing the Real Rate of Inflation Would Crash The System.  He notes:

    “Unbiased private-sector efforts to calculate the real rate of inflation have yielded a rate of around 7% to 13% per year, depending on the locale–many multiples of the official rate of around 1% per year.”

    When managing your household finances, you must develop strategies to address the real rate of inflation that applies to your time and expenses and degrades the products and services that you use.  Charles addresses strategies for personal success in this environment in his recent books:

    • Why Our Status Quo Failed and is Beyond Reform.
    • A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All: The Future Belongs to Work That Is Meaningful.
    • Get a Job, Build a Career, Defy a Bewildering Economy.


    You can access Charles’ books and writings at his excellent website Of Two Minds

    Speaking of inflating expense, in Let’s Go to the Movies I will review Divorce Corp, a sobering documentary on the extraordinary financial and emotional expense of the US divorce machinery.  Every family should educate itself about managing the risks to family life and finances — of involving lawyers, of formal legal actions and of family courts.

    I will cover the latest events in Money & Markets. Please make sure to post or e-mail your questions by Wednesday.

    Talk to you Thursday!


    Related reading:

    Sweet Jean

    Sime Nugent

    Alice Keath


    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    Well, I’m on the road again. On this trip, I am spending five days in Las Vegas. There was someone I wanted to meet. So I took some time to hang out, to get to know them better. I have not been in Las Vegas since I gave a keynote address as Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner to the National Association of Homebuilders in 1990.

    My favorite book on Las Vegas is the one Sally Denton co-authored in 2002 – The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and its Hold on America. One of the great insights was that the Mormon church was one of the initial financiers behind Las Vegas. In the deep state, patterns of investment always lead to fascinating connections.

    My favorite movie is The Godfather series which encompasses the entire Nevada scene – from Las Vegas to Reno to Tahoe.  Of course, I love Elvis so I must give a nod to Viva Las Vegas!

    While here, I took a road trip to see the Hoover Dam at Lake Mead, Nevada, a project featured in Sally Denton’s book on Bechtel, The Profiteers: Bechtel and the Men who Built the World.  If you pull out a map, you can imagine the strategic impact of asserting control of the Colorado river in a separate state legal jurisdiction before it gets to California and Arizona. The Hoover dam is a giant spigot sitting atop Southern California. That’s real power.

    As of 2012, Las Vegas had 152,275 hotel rooms spread across a total of 355 hotels. With a population of approximately 2 million people, Las Vegas bills itself as the “Entertainment Capital of the World.” When I reviewed the casino stocks in 2012-13, my assessment was that building and operating casinos in Asia was essential to success. The squeeze on the American middle class is not good for Las Vegas.

    The Trump International Hotel towers over Las Vegas. It makes economic sense that a casino developer wants to “Make America Great Again.”

    Related reading

    Las Vegas on Wikipedia

    Hoover Dam on Wikipedia

    Colorado River on Wikipedia


    “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.” ~Lao Tsu

    By Catherine Austin Fitts

    Franklin Sanders will join me next week for the precious metals market report. Franklin will walk us through what has happened in the gold and silver markets this year. We will discuss the current correction and how gold and silver prices may be impacted by the Fed decision in September.

    We will also discuss the end of the debt-financed growth model and what it means to the outlook for precious metals.  Whether the fury at the Fed, the high disapproval ratings of the Presidential candidates, the growing concern about falling productivity growth, what appears to be an unraveling of Obamacare and the growing pressure to reengineer government budgets in the United States and worldwide — all of these matters make it clear that the costs of centralization, secrecy and privilege have become unbearable.

    Franklin recently published a joke that I just have to share.

    “It reminds me of the two old boys, Willie & Earl, who used to drive trucks together. Willie was being tested to renew his license, & the inspector asked him, “Suppose you are going down the long steep grade of Monteagle Mountain, and suppose further that your brakes went out. Now suppose that you look at the foot of the mountain and see 35 cars in front of you waiting for a railroad train to pass. What would you do next?” Willie never hesitated. “I’d wake up Earl.” Inspector said, “Wake up Earl? Why on earth would you wake up Earl?” Willie shot back, “Cause he ain’t never seen a wreck like this!”

    We have never quite seen a wreck like the one into which we are headed. A recent report in Tennessee where Franklin and I live concludes that 50 percent of the current jobs will be replaced with automation. It really is time to rebuild our local economies, centralization be damned!

    In Let’s Go to the Movies I will discuss the controversial autism documentary Vaxxed – what it is about, why the controversy, and why it is important to you to understand the issues. Essentially, if autism continues to grow at current rates, it will overwhelm the educational and health care system and have a devastating human and economic impact. It is essential that we figure out what causes autism and reverse the trends.

    I will cover the latest developments in markets and geopolitics in Money & Market. Make sure to post your questions for Ask Catherine.

    Talk to you Thursday!



    We are pleased to announce the launch of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez’s book entitled “Conquering Cancer Volume One: 50 Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Patients on the Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol.“.This new book is 8 1/2 x 11, hardcover and over 390 pages long.

    Dr. Gonzalez was finishing this book at the time of his unexpected death in July 2015. It has been edited for clarity with a few patient updates from his patient files.

    Conquering Cancer Volume Two will include an additional 50 patients with 16 different types of cancer treated successfully on The Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol and is expected to be available at the end of 2016.

    Catherine will order her copy today and will post a review as soon as she has read it!

    Conquering Cancer Volume 1 (pdf)


    PRE-ORDER HERE: Web Page



    Oswald Mosley,leader of the British Union of Fascists, being saluted at a fascist parade.
    The 1930s saw the rise of authoritarianism as citizens lost faith in liberal democracy.

    [CAF Note: Bravo to Martin Wolf!]

    by Martin Wolf

    The symbiotic relationship is under strain, last seen during rise of fascism in the 1930s

    Is the marriage between liberal democracy and global capitalism an enduring one? Political developments across the west – particularly the candidacy of an authoritarian populist for the presidency of the most important democracy – heighten the importance of this question. One cannot take for granted the success of the political and economic systems that guide the western world and have been a force of attraction for much of the rest for four decades. The question then arises: if not these, what?

    A natural connection exists between liberal democracy – the combination of universal suffrage with entrenched civil and personal rights – and capitalism, the right to buy and sell goods, services, capital and one’s own labour freely. They share the belief that people should make their own choices as individuals and as citizens. Democracy and capitalism share the assumption that people are entitled to exercise agency. Humans must be viewed as agents, not just as objects of other people’s power.

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