


Test out the new Plugin Directory and let us know what you think.

The widget displays image links (icon buttons) to various subscription services and social networking sites. More than 40 services supported.

Av: Srini G.

Senast uppdaterat: 2 år sedan
10 000+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.2.11

An authentication framework that handles authorization/communication with most popular web services.

Av: Beau Lebens, Michael Adams (mdawaffe), Justin Shreve, Joey Kudish, och andra.

Senast uppdaterat: 1 år sedan
6 000+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.4.6

Social Buttons for your website and Auto-Publishing of content to Social Networks.

Av: LinksAlpha.

Senast uppdaterat: 4 år sedan
1 000+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.5.2

Foursquare Venue is a simple but powerful plugin for displaying any venue's Foursquare stats.

Av: Sutherland Boswell.

Senast uppdaterat: 2 år sedan
700+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.9.15

Follow & Subscribe siderbar widget adds links to your Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, linkedIn, Pinterest, Xing, StumbleUpon, YouTube, About.me, f

Av: LinksAlpha.

Senast uppdaterat: 4 år sedan
700+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.4.2

NertWorks Social Share Tools make it easy for you to place social share and like buttons through out your website. You can pick specific pages to mak

Av: nertworks.

Senast uppdaterat: 2 år sedan
400+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.0.14

Import your posts/images/etc from other web services into your WordPress install. Own your content.


Senast uppdaterat: 1 år sedan
400+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.4.6

Insert your Font Awesome, easily styled, customizable, business data (address, telephone, fax, email) into your theme using shortcodes.

Av: Dennis Barber.

Senast uppdaterat: 2 år sedan
100+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.1.14

The 1st plugin to integrate the foursquare® API into WordPress to show your checkins and badges

Av: nzguru.

Senast uppdaterat: 5 år sedan
100+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.2.1

Display your last Swarm checkin as a map widget in the sidebar or embedded in a post or page, fully authenticated via OAuth 2.0.

Av: vicchi.

Senast uppdaterat: 2 år sedan
100+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.1.0

Adds a map of your last Foursquare check-in location to a widget area, and makes it easy to share with your readers without giving away too much info.

Av: Tom Saunter.

Senast uppdaterat: 6 år sedan
90+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.0.5

Create the perfect service menu and price list! Easily import, edit and style menus or other merchant price lists.

Av: PriceCrossing.

Senast uppdaterat: 3 år sedan
50+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.9.15

A widget that show your 5 most recent checkins at FourSquare. And on a map too. It's marvelous!

Av: och MarsApril.

Senast uppdaterat: 6 år sedan
30+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.0.5

Add save to foursquare button on your blog.

Av: fdqps.

Senast uppdaterat: 4 år sedan
30+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.4.2

Integrate Foursquare with WordPress. Features Map and List view.

Av: Global Task.

Senast uppdaterat: 2 år sedan
30+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 4.0.14

Displays the users latest Foursquare checkins including venue icons as a sidebar widget.

Av: Florian Beer.

Senast uppdaterat: 6 år sedan
20+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.1.4

Hallo Destra add social media icons in the theme wherever you want to display. Simple and looks luxurious.


Senast uppdaterat: 5 år sedan
20+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.0.5

Adds user authentication, user registration and content sharing capabilities through social networks like Facebook and more...

Av: Lanoba.

Senast uppdaterat: 5 år sedan
10+ aktiva installationer
Kompatibelt upp till: 3.4.2

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