Site FAQ

Community FAQ
How to Participate
Server FAQ

Community FAQ

Q: What's the mission of this site?

A: The mission is to promote open source software engineering. That means hosting projects to develop open source software engineering tools. It also means providing professional and methodological information. Our goal is to help open source developers do better by using traditional software engineering tools and methods, while at the same time highlighting the best practices of open source development so that other everyone in the development profession can benefit from them.

Q: Who else is here?

A: has about 10,000 registered members. These developers represent thousands of companies and universities in over fifty countries. Most users visit to download new development tools and provide feedback. The featured projects have developers from throughout the open source community. Everyone involved with has one mission in mind: promoting open source software engineering.

Project leaders choose to start projects on because this site has a strong, focused community of developers and some very prominent, active projects. That means that new projects that are approved are likely to get good involvement from other developers.

Q: What is CollabNet's role in this site?

A: CollabNet is hosting this site to support the mission. CollabNet takes that mission very seriously and has contributed to it by supporting many of the featured projects. Although CollabNet hosts the site, the direction of the site is controlled by the community. That community includes many developers from many organizations, working together for their mutual benefit.

Q: Is this site only for open source projects?

A: Since the mission is to develop open source software engineering tools and content, we only approve open source projects. The one exceptions to that projects for university courses where students are not intended to expose their work to other students.

The CollabNet Enterprise Edition Collaborative Software Development (CSD) platform does support proprietary projects and a wide range of security mechanisms to protect and compartmentalize proprietary content. is not making full use of those features.

Q: What do you mean by "hosted tools"?

A: CollabNet Enterprise Edition enables collaborative development through web-based tools made available to project owners and developers who become project members. CollabNet Enterprise Edition combines the best-of-breed open source tools into a web-based software development suite. Key features of this tool set are security, scalability, extensibility, and customizability.

Q: What are those tools?

A: CollabNet Enterprise Edition provides simple, powerful web interfaces for version control using Subversion (SVN) and CVS, issue tracking, discussions and decision-making. Project owners can configure these tools within each project and grant roles to project participants to fit the needs of the project.

Q: Who do I contact for help or feedback?

A: Send any questions or comments to

Follow service interruption announcements and planned outages in our status blog, or at @tigrisdotorg on Twitter.

How to Participate

Q: What client-side tools will I need to participate?

A: At minimum, you need a web browser, email client, and a client for either Subversion or CVS, whichever your project is using. (If it's CVS, you may also need SSH to secure your CVS connections.) There may be additional domain specific tools you need depending upon the types of development project you wish to contribute to.

Q: How do I start a project?

A: Use the "Start New Project" links in the Start Page or subsequent pages to access a brief project creation form. After you have submitted your project information, you're able to view and customize your newly created project home page. You project is in a "pending" status until approved by site administrators. Read more about the process.

Q: How do I share code?

A: When you join or lead a CollabNet Enterprise Edition project, you use Subvversion or CVS version control to check out and work with project files, and then contribute your changes back into the project's repository. When other project members update their working files, they have access then to your code. Everyone on the commits mailing list also receives automatic email notification when files are updated.

When your project produces a deliverable (e.g., a compiled library or executable file) that is ready for outside users to download, you can place it in the File Sharing area so that it is easy to find. Files in that area are not version controlled.

As a project member you will likely be assigned to do code enhancements or contribute patches via IssueZilla, an issue tracking tool for managing project issues (defects, enhancements, features, tasks, and patches). You also subscribe to project mailing lists, where you can follow and participate in ongoing discussions about the project.

Q: How do I get other developers involved in my project?

A: You can invite other developers to join your project at any time. When you start your own development project on CollabNet Enterprise Edition, the process includes an opportunity to list developers you want to invite to join you. They receive an automatically generated email that explains a little about CollabNet Enterprise Edition, gives the name and a brief description of your project, and includes a personalized message you have composed. After the project is already underway, you can invite someone by personal email at your discretion.

Server FAQ

Q: How much disk space can my project have?

There are no preset limits on disk space. You can have as much as you actually need to run a legitimate project that fits the mission. If your project takes up so much space that you prevent other projects from doing their work, then we will have to work together to come up with a solution.

Q: Can I have a shell account?

Nope. Your CollabNet Enterprise Edition user account is just a record in the CollabNet Enterprise Edition database, it is not an operating system user account. We want the servers to always be available to everyone to use via the CollabNet Enterprise Edition application, and good uptime demands good security. We never give shell accounts on our servers because we do not consider that to be a good security practice.

Q: Can I host my own executable content (e.g., CGIs, PHP, etc.) on your server?

Nope. Same as above: we don't think it is a good idea to execute code that other people upload to our servers. If you need custom code, consider hosting it on another server and linking to it from Or, if you have a really good idea for new functionality and you are willing to work with us, please send your idea to

Q: Can I register my own domain and point it to your server?

We don't do that right now. You can register your domain with a registrar that provides URL forwarding (e.g.,

For more information, see this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.