Aug 26 2016

Kandi Mossett on Native American Pipeline Protests

For many people, what’s happening right now in North Dakota is a crucial story of a frontline fight of indigenous people against extractive industry—and on behalf of humanity, really, and the planet.

Aug 25 2016

A Guided Tour of the ‘Alt-Right,’ by the Trump Campaign Chief’s Website

Rather than giving one definition of the alt-right, Breitbart News chooses to describe it piece by piece. Let’s put the pieces together and see what kind of picture it makes.

Aug 24 2016

Stoking Russia Panic for Partisan Gain Will Have a Long-Term Price for Peace

According to leading pro-Democratic media, the US cannot possibly work with Russia; they are fundamentally adversarial. This type of macho posturing, previously the domain of Fox News, has become increasingly commonplace as the the Clinton camp drives home the talking point that Trump is a Kremlin agent.

Aug 22 2016

‘It’s a Kind of Original Sin of the Modern Democratic Party’

CounterSpin interview with Felicia Kornbluh on the 20th anniversary of welfare 'reform'

“Our society is generating poverty and inequality, and generating it way more for low-income women of color than it is for anybody else.”

Aug 19 2016

NYT Cites FAIR’s Criticism of NYT


In an explainer about Donald Trump hiring Breitbart News’ Stephen Bannon as campaign CEO, the New York Times references FAIR’s criticism of the Times’ handling of the distorted ACORN story, which was promoted by Andrew Breitbart.

Aug 19 2016

‘If You’re So Proud of This Technology, Put It on the Label’

CounterSpin interview with Patty Lovera about GMO labeling

“If we’re going to tell people that they are voting with their dollars and they’re making decisions, you have to give them all the information. And when we came to that line, the industry wasn’t willing to do that.”

Aug 19 2016

‘They Are Incentivized to Arrest People Because It Raises Money’

CounterSpin interview with Donna Murch on for-profit punishment

“Nearly everyone who’s being arrested or incarcerated is incurring criminal justice debt. And in many states you can be stripped of your right to vote until you pay off all of your criminal justice debt. So I talk about that essentially as a modern day poll tax.”

Aug 19 2016

Felicia Kornbluh on the Politics of Welfare

We’re told we’re in a moment of reconsideration, perhaps, of the notion that depriving needy people of assistance would lead to their gainful employment and well-being. A true reconsideration of the 1990s welfare overhaul would require a so-far invisible recentering of the people in its crosshairs: low-income women, particularly mothers raising children on their own.