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Twitter for Android FAQ

Is it available for my version of Android?
I have multiple accounts. Can I be logged into all at once?
How do I view my follower requests? (Protected accounts only)
How do I remove the app or move it to my SD card?
Why isn't my timeline automatically updated when I open the app?

Is the app available for my version of Android?

  • The Twitter for Android app is available for phones running Android OS versions 2.3+
    (Note: You can run Twitter on version 2.3 and above, however you will not have the full feature version of Twitter unless you are on version 4.1 and above.)
  • Kindle Fire
  • B&N Nooks

I have multiple accounts. Can I be logged into all of them at once?

Yes! Twitter for Android supports multiple accounts. If you have more than one account added, tap the navigation menu icon  or your profile icon in the top menu. Then, tap on the downward-facing arrow  in the header to access your other accounts. Visit our Managing multiple Twitter accounts article for more information.

My Tweets are protected. How do I view my follower requests?

You can approve/deny follower requests in the app:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Tap Follower Requests from the menu to see a list of your requests.
  3. Approve the request by tapping the checkmark, or deny the request by tapping the X.

How do I remove the app or move it to my SD card?

  • If your device included Twitter for Android as a bundled application, it cannot be uninstalled or moved to SD card.
  • The option to move to SD would only move the application itself (1.89mb), not the data while using the app. If on SD, the app will lose your login information.

Why isn't my timeline automatically updated when I open the app?

  • Sync and sync interval settings will update your timeline if the app is open or running in the background.
  • If you leave the app and reopen, just pull down to refresh the timeline.
  • This feature helps preserve timeline position when you close and reopen the app.

Having trouble?

Our Twitter for Android troubleshooting article has answers to common problems.