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NEW: What if they "took a knee" to protest something else ... check it out. lv a comment, pls RT. …
This is what happens when angry, alienated primary voters pick a wrecking ball as their nominee. …
There’s just one unspeakable four-letter word in
@realDonaldTrump’s vocabulary, a word that actually has five letters: L-O-S-E-R. -
None of this will matter, of course, to the millions who see Donald Trump as their savior. The faithful don’t easily abandon their messiah.
On with O'Reilly Check it out.
Trump’s refusal to say he’ll accept the election results does “cast doubt on American democracy.” …
The One Unspeakable Four-Letter Word in Trump’s Vocabulary Has Five Letters … cc:
@realDonaldTrump -
To all those frustrated Republicans who gave Donald Trump the GOP nomination, congratulations he’s all yours. I fear so is President Clinton
NEW: the 4 letter word in DJT's vocabulary that has 5 letters. Lv a comment. Pls RT. …
HRC: the wealthy are bad. corporations are bad. sounds like Karl Marx.
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HRC has 1 answer for everything: Raise taxes on the wealthy. I'd like to see the wealthy go on strike as in Atlas Shrugged.
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Question for Libs: If Fox is such a disgrace, why is the Fox moderator so much better than the ones from NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN?
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If Obama left Iraq because he didn't get a status of forces agreement, then how does he allow 5k US troops now -- and still no agreement?
That's going to be the headline of the debate: that Trump won't say right now that he'll accept the results of the election. not good for DT
The media do indeed salivate when they go after Trump. But Trump has given them a lot of the ammo they're using to shoot him.
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Donald can't run fro what he's said and done. His great weakness.
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This from a woman who talks about deplorable who are unredeemable. She wants to bring us together?
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HRC wants to bring people together? This from a woman who bashes the wealthy every chance she gets and does it for 1 reason: votes.
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If you love Big Government, you have to love Hillary.
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There it is. FAIR SHARE. Too bad a Republican can't say, "The rich pay more than their fair share." The envious wud not accept it.
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