

Policing the Knowledge Quarter

Sam Dolbear takes a walk through the oppressive reality of Brexit era London


An anonymous artist statement in response to the volksbühne debate originally published by Texte zur Kunst, https://www.textezurkunst.de/articles/ein-anonymes-kunstlerinnen-statement-zur-volksbuhnendebatte/


Exit Strategies: Danny Hayward’s Pragmatic Sanction

Coordinated possibility

'What if our possibility is grounded in the uncoordinated?', asks Pragmatic Sanction, Danny Hayward's ambitious long poem. Among other things it undertakes a scarifying assault on the kind of 'thinking' constituted and compelled by the Government's 'points based' Work Capability Assessment system. Ed Luker works through and illuminates the dizzying deadlocks of a contemporary communist poetry that is neither reconciled nor resolved, but inexhaustibly compelling


In Times of Political Ruin

Massive boulders, strong mass

Some reflections on post-referendum politics from H. Gracchus

In these great times, which I have known since they were small; which shall become so again, if they are given time enough for it. – Karl Kraus

This includes 2 Communiques from friends in Lithuania. The most recent (#2) is followed by the previous (#1). The statements include information about how you might help by showing your support for the resistance to these reforms

A collection of notes, written by a waitress, regarding the mouvement contre le loi du travail – the French state's draconian new employment law. La Serveuse covers events from the movement’s beginnings in March this year to the present 


Post 4. May 25th (Waitressing)


Mute is hosting this statement in solidarity with the call for a boycott of the Zabludowicz Art Trust. Boycott Zabludowicz was formalised during the violent atrocities committed by the Israeli state against Palestinian people in 2014. We fully support this boycott and call on our readers and writers to join us in solidarity.


Inside Out

Marx famously described capitalism as mad and inverted. Daniel Spaulding re-examines speculative realism through an Adornian prism to disclose a thought of ‘the great outdoors’ beyond capital that is very much immanent to a world not only upside down but increasingly inside out


The Anthropocene in 90 Minutes

In Molecular Red Mackenzie Wark collides Platonov and Bogdanov, to produce anthropocene levels of low-theory. But are these very distinctive soviet thinkers really compatible, and is acceleration really what the world needs now, asks Maria Chehonadskih

This arresting essay presents an in depth account of the so-called 'system-upgrade' of welfare reform in the UKplc: Universal Credit

Reposted from: http://de-arrest.me/


For the sword outwears its sheath,

And the soul wears out the breast,

And the heart must pause to breathe,

And love itself have rest.


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