Welcome to ABS.Stat
About the beta release

This beta release allows you to preview ABS.Stat before it is released in its final form and gives you the opportunity to provide the ABS with feedback as we work to enhance the tool.

We will continue to load new datasets and update existing datasets in ABS.Stat as soon as possible after embargo on the data is lifted. However, data in this ABS.Stat beta release may not necessarily be the most up to date. You are advised to check the ABS website (abs.gov.au) for the latest data.

We have created an ABS.Stat release calendar which will give you an indication of what is available in ABS.Stat and when datasets are expected to be updated. It will also provide you with information on new datasets we plan to include in the future.

We recognise that there are still some issues in the beta release. We have compiled a list of issues identified so far and are currently working to rectify these. If further issues are discovered please email us at abs.stat@abs.gov.au.

About ABS.Stat

ABS.Stat Beta is an interactive free online tool that presents data in a searchable, flexible and dynamic way.

ABS.Stat provides users with two options:
  • a web browser interface where you can view, query and download data;

  • and
  • a web services interface described in a machine-processable format using the Statistical Data and Metadata Standard (SDMX) allowing machine-to-machine mechanisms for accessing and sharing ABS data
  • The ABS.Stat web interface allows you to:
  • search and discover ABS statistics
  • query, view and download data - choose pre-packaged data or customise data to your own requirements
  • view valuable metadata alongside the data
  • export data in a range of formats such as Excel and CSV as well as SDMX.
  • The ABS.Stat web services allow the exchange of data between computer systems, or machine-to-machine services. The web services allow the ABS to share data through a programmatic interface across the internet.

    Full User Assistance for both options is available from the top right hand navigation bar.


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