25 August 2016

Biden meets with Erdogan, backs Turkish invasion of Syria

By Halil Celik, 25 August 2016

The US vice president declared Washington’s support for the escalation, while Russian officials said they were following the invasion with concern.

New flashpoint in escalating war: Turkey shells ISIS and Kurdish forces in Syria

More on the war in Syria »

Devastating earthquake hits Italy

By Marianne Arens, 25 August 2016

At least 200 have died, hundreds are still missing, thousands were injured and tens of thousands have been left homeless.

North Korea tests submarine-launched missile

By Peter Symonds, 25 August 2016

The primary responsibility for escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula lies with the US and its military build-up throughout Asia aimed against China.

French shipbuilder DCNS hit by massive data leak on Scorpene submarine

By Kumaran Ira, 25 August 2016

The leak has raised concerns about whether DCNS’ multi-billion dollar plans to build submarines for Australia could also be compromised.

Newly released emails reveal Clinton ties to CEOs, Persian Gulf despots

By Patrick Martin, 25 August 2016

The allegations of a “pay to play” relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department largely obscure the essential basis of the corruption of the Clintons.

Haiti: What the Clinton e-mails reveal about US election-rigging

Clinton campaigns among the millionaires and billionaires

More on the 2016 US elections »

Mass water shutoffs continue in Detroit, Michigan

By Shannon Jones, 25 August 2016

Water shutoffs affecting 150 customers per day have proceeded without letup during the summer months.

As federal emergency funding ends:
Flint residents describe conditions of ongoing water crisis

By Carlos Delgado, 25 August 2016

Two residents recount their personal experiences in Flint and express their outrage at the system.

Pfizer gobbles up cancer drug maker in $14 billion deal

By Brad Dixon, 25 August 2016

Pfizer will acquire Medivation’s cancer drug Xtandi, which is priced at $129,000 for a year’s treatment.

Judge tosses out Detroit Public Schools lawsuit against teacher “sickouts”

By Marissa Ross and Nancy Hanover, 25 August 2016

In the wake of the dissolution of the DPS and the launching of the Detroit Public Schools Community District, the court case against teacher protests has been wrapped up.

New York politicians maneuver to support charter schools

Russian athletes barred from Paralympic Games

By Andrea Peters, 25 August 2016

In the latest salvo against Russia, the world’s top court of sports has ruled that the country’s disabled athletes cannot participate in the upcoming games.

Finland announces defence agreement with the US

By Jordan Shilton, 25 August 2016

Finland’s expanding ties with Washington are part of a broader process that is transforming the Nordic region into another front in the US-led offensive against Moscow.

Deutsche Bank whistleblower rejects reward, cites collusion between bank and regulators

By Gabriel Black, 25 August 2016

The former vice-president accused the SEC of not prosecuting leading bank officials because of the incestuous relationship between the bank and the ostensible watchdog.

Spain: Pseudo-left Barcelona mayor persecutes migrant street vendors

By James Lerner, 25 August 2016

Under the Ada Colau administration, some 34,473 fines were levied against migrant and refugee street vendors in the first six months of 2016.

Papua New Guinean landowners end blockade of major gas project

By John Braddock, 25 August 2016

Protesting traditional landowners, claiming millions of dollars in unpaid royalties, disrupted vital LNG supplies.

New in Russian

Рио-2016: «Олимпийский идеал» и действительность капитализма

Билл Вэн Оукен, 25 августа 2016 г.

Олимпийские игры прошли в условиях военной оккупации Бразилии — стране с одним их самых высоких в мире уровнем социального неравенства, которая погружена в экономический, социальный и политический кризис.

New in Turkish

Biden’dan Baltık devletlerine açık çek: ABD sizi savunmak için Rusya’ya savaş açacak

Andre Damon, 25 Ağustos 2016

Savaş suçlusu Biden, tüm savaş suçlarının en büyüğünü (dünya nüfusunu, insan uygarlığını defalarca yok etme kapasitesine sahip nükleer cephanelikleri bulunan ülkeler arasında bir savaşın içine savurmayı) hazırlamayı, “şeref” meselesi diye adlandırmaktadır.

Tırmanan savaşta yeni parlama noktası: Türkiye Suriye’deki IŞİD ve Kürt güçlerini bombalıyor

Barry Grey, 25 Ağustos 2016

Türkiye’nin Suriye’deki Kürt güçlerine yönelik genişleyen saldırısı ile Esad rejiminin YPG’ye ve SDG’ye yönelik daha saldırgan tutumu arasında apaçık bir çakışma söz konusudur.

New in French

Chèque en blanc de Biden aux pays Baltes : les USA feront la guerre à la Russie pour vous défendre

Par Andre Damon, 25 août 2016

Le vice-président américain Biden a dit que l’engagement de Washington à défendre militairement les petits Etats de Lettonie, Lituanie et Estonie était pour les États-Unis une question d’« honneur sacré ».

Grande-Bretagne: les conspirateurs anti-Corbyn préparent un groupe parlementaire rival

Par Julie Hyland, 25 août 2016

Le plan du Labour Co-operative Party est avancé par l’aile droite travailliste comme moyen d’éviter une scission immédiate qui leur rendrait difficile de rallier un quelconque soutien

Vingt ans après la «réforme» de l’aide sociale de Clinton

Par Jerry White, 25 août 2016

Le projet de loi sur l’aide sociale de Clinton a marqué l’abandon complet par le Parti démocrate des politiques de réformes libérales associées au New Deal de Roosevelt dans les années 1930 et à la guerre de Johnson contre la pauvreté du milieu des années 1960.

Allemagne : le gouvernement conseille à la population de stocker de la nourriture en cas de guerre

Par Sven Heymanns, 25 août 2016

Le nouveau Plan de défense civile de l'Allemagne montre combien, 75 ans après la catastrophe de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, la question de la guerre est de retour dans la vie quotidienne.

New in German

Stoppt die Kriegsvorbereitung der Bundesregierung

Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 25. August 2016

Das „Konzept Zivile Verteidigung“, das der deutsche Innenminister Thomas de Maizière am Mittwoch offiziell vorstellte, listet auf 69 Seiten umfangreiche Maßnahmen auf, um die Bevölkerung auf einen Krieg vorzubereiten.

US-Vizepräsident Biden will für baltische Staaten in den Krieg ziehen

Von Andre Damon, 25. August 2016

Biden erklärte, Washingtons Zusage, die winzigen Staaten Lettland, Litauen und Estland militärisch zu verteidigen, sei eine Frage der „heiligen Ehre“.

Neue Eskalation im Syrienkrieg: Türkei beschießt IS-Stellungen und kurdische Milizen

Von Barry Grey, 25. August 2016

Die Türkei und die USA verfolgen in Syrien zunehmend entgegengesetzte Interessen. Diese Entwicklung durchkreuzt Washingtons Strategie, den syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad zu stürzen.

Schweres Erdbeben in Italien

Von Marianne Arens, 25. August 2016

Ein schweres Erdbeben in Norditalien forderte in der Nacht zum 24. August Hunderte Todesopfer.

Volkswagen: Konflikt mit Zulieferern vorerst beigelegt

Von Dietmar Henning, 25. August 2016

Am Dienstagmorgen einigten sich die Verhandlungsführer des Volkswagen-Konzerns und der beiden Zulieferer Car Trim und ES Autoguss auf die Beilegung ihres Konflikts.

Nach Handgemenge in der Stadt Sisco: Frankreich beginnt Verbotskampagne gegen Burkini

Von Kumaran Ira, 25. August 2016

Nachdem es in der korsischen Stadt Sisco zu einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Dorfbewohnern und drei muslimischen Familien mit nordafrikanischem Hintergrund gekommen war, sprach der Bürgermeister in der Stadt ein Verbot für den „Burkini“ aus.

Other Languages


Stop the German government’s preparations for war!

25 August 2016

The “Civil Defence Concept” presented by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière on Wednesday proposes a range of measures to prepare the population for war.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party (US)

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
The fight for socialism and the tasks of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality

25 August 2016

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party


Pseudo-left line up behind efforts to fashion Labour as Britain’s “Syriza”

By Julie Hyland, 25 August 2016

The Socialist Party and Socialist Workers Party played a lead role in covering for Syriza in Greece and are now seeking to encourage illusions in the supposedly socialist character of the Corbyn campaign.

Biden’s blank check to the Baltic states: US will wage war on Russia in your defense

By Andre Damon, 24 August 2016

Britain: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn outlines policies for “wealth creation”

By Robert Stevens and Julie Hyland, 24 August 2016

Twenty years since the Clintons gutted the federal welfare system

Twenty years since Clinton’s welfare “reform”

More anti-Russian propaganda from the New York Times

The ruling class and the spectre of Leon Trotsky

Arts Review

Toots Thielemans: 1922-2016
“That little space between a smile and a tear”

By James Brewer, 25 August 2016

The Belgian-born multi-instrumental jazz musician became widely known for his virtuosic harmonica playing.

A portrait of photographer Robert Frank

By C.W. Rogers, 20 August 2016

The Score of War: A haunting documentary film on Ukraine

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White on impact of “Welfare Reform”

24 August 2016

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White issued this statement on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of "Welfare Reform," signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996.

Socialist Equality Party vice presidential candidate Niles Niemuth condemns US-backed war in Yemen

19 August 2016

“Obama has only helped the wealthy”
SEP campaigners speak to residents in Washington, DC about social crisis and the US elections

By our reporters, 22 August 2016

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

Louisiana Flooding

“I don’t expect the government to do a damn thing”
Louisiana flood victims speak out

By Aaron Asa and Tom Hall, 24 August 2016

WSWS reporters traveled to Livingston Parish, Louisiana and spoke to flood victims who are stranded at an emergency shelter after historic floods destroyed more than 40,000 homes.

Obama offers pittance to flood victims in Louisiana

By David Brown, 24 August 2016

The Louisiana flooding—a failure of American capitalism

Book Review

War Porn by Roy Scranton
The anti-war novel re-emerges in American literature

By Eric London, 22 August 2016

The debut novel by former US Army soldier Roy Scranton is a portrayal of a society devastated by a state of permanent war.

Sleeping Giant: Deception and lies about the “new” working class

The 2016 US Elections

The 2016 elections and the crisis of American democracy

By Joseph Kishore, 18 August 2016

The real issues in the 2016 US elections

After the Sanders debacle
“Socialist Convergence” meets to prepare a new trap for the working class

More on the 2016 US elections »


On the death of German historian Ernst Nolte

By Christoph Vandreier and Peter Schwarz, 20 August 2016


New Zealand: WWI Home Front exhibition buries mass opposition to war

By Tom Peters and Sam Price, 22 August 2016

SEP (Germany) Election Campaign

SEP election meeting in Berlin discusses war, nationalism after Brexit vote

By our correspondents, 22 August 2016

Berlin Election 2016
Socialist Equality Party campaigners speak with Turkish workers in Berlin

“War is never the solution”
Report on the SEP’s election campaign in Berlin

Berlin state election 2016
Vote against war! Vote PSG!
Election manifesto of the Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party

Sri Lanka: SEP meeting advances socialist program to fight government attacks

By our correspondents, 20 August 2016

After Brexit: The struggle for socialism in Britain

By Chris Marsden, 30 July 2016

25 years ago: Gorbachev purges cabinet after failed “August putsch”

On August 22, 1991, after the failure of the coup against him, Soviet President Michael Gorbachev conducted a wide-ranging purge of his cabinet.

More »

50 years ago: First clash between South African forces and Namibian fighters

On August 26, 1966, a combined attack by South African Police and South African Defense Forces on a unit of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia marked the first battle of the Namibian War of Independence.

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75 years ago: Paris workers fight Nazi occupation

On August 27, 1941 two of the leading French collaborators with the Nazis were wounded after weeks of growing sabotage by sections of French workers and the middle class against Hitler’s occupation of France.

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100 years ago: Romania enters World War I on the side of the Allies

On August 27, 1916, the Kingdom of Romania entered the imperialist First World War on the side of the Allied powers, including Britain, France and Russia.

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