

Two Models of Inescapable Shock

Two Models of Inescapable Shock

Thursday 7 July 6-8pm


Marina Vishmidt and Anne Boyer in conversation

A Mute launch for:


Marina Vishmidt & Kerstin Stakemeier, Reproducing Autonomy, 2016


Anne Boyer, Garments Against Women, 2016


Richard Hoggart Building

Room 137a (main building)

Lewisham Way
SE14 6NW


About the books

Permanent Reproductive Crisis: An Interview with Silvia Federici

NY Wages For Housework Poster

On the occasion of the publication of an anthology of her writing and the accession of a  Wages for Housework NY archive at Mayday Rooms in London, Marina Vishmidt interviewed Silvia Federici on her extensive contribution to feminist thought and recent work on debt activism (with contributions by Mute, Mayday Rooms and George Caffentzis)


Exit Strategies: Danny Hayward’s Pragmatic Sanction

Coordinated possibility

'What if our possibility is grounded in the uncoordinated?', asks Pragmatic Sanction, Danny Hayward's ambitious long poem. Among other things it undertakes a scarifying assault on the kind of 'thinking' constituted and compelled by the Government's 'points based' Work Capability Assessment system. Ed Luker works through and illuminates the dizzying deadlocks of a contemporary communist poetry that is neither reconciled nor resolved, but inexhaustibly compelling


Reproducing Autonomy

Reproducing Autonomy cover

By Kerstin Stakemeier & Marina Vishmidt.

Mute Books, May 2016.

Progress in autonomy cannot be – nor historically has it ever been – measured in quantitative units. Rather, the need for autonomy is repositioned in relation to society’s political, economic, and cultural developments on an ongoing basis. ISBN paperback: 978-1-906496-99-9


Demeaning the Future

Universal basic insult

Srnicek & Williams’ Inventing the Future proposes a forces-of-production-based programme leading to guaranteed basic income. But do the wageless workers of an already automated and accelerated world really need this new revolutionary ABC? De-Arrest Editorial Services checks out the wares of competing brands of rocket men, left and right, and urges wholesale product recall

This – also freely downloadable – anthology documents projects developed over a two and a half year period. Its critical nature emerges clearly through discussion of an ample range of cultural fields... read more of this review at Neural,

No Selves To Abolish: Afropessimism, Anti-Politics and the End of the World

No Selves To Defend: Celia

How can ‘solidarity’ be possible in and against the objective conditions that divide us? K. Aarons distinguishes the afropessimist position from the politics of symbolic valorisation or integration, and argues that it is not simply at odds with, but is in fact hostile to identity and privilege politics – whether Black or non-Black. It is the thought and practice of self-abolition that can hope to overcome the present anti-Black structure of humanity.



Mute is hosting this statement in solidarity with the call for a boycott of the Zabludowicz Art Trust. Boycott Zabludowicz was formalised during the violent atrocities committed by the Israeli state against Palestinian people in 2014. We fully support this boycott and call on our readers and writers to join us in solidarity.
Call for Issue 2. Corrupting Desires! Technique, Performance and Control

Email to: cesura.acceso@gmail.com

We are currently accepting submissions for Issue 2 of Cesura//Acceso, to be published in June 2016.

Our central theme will be: Corrupting Desires! Technique, Performance and Control.

Art’s Economic Exceptionalism

Whilst left critiques habitually relate art to capitalist commodification, few do this on strictly economic grounds, let alone cogently. Josefine Wikström argues that finally we do have a book that fulfills exactly this task


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