

Speaking Candour

To mark the release of You Must Make Your Death Public: A collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus, gathered from the Chris Kraus symposium held at London’s Royal College of Art in March 2013, Mute presents Karolin Meunier’s contribution, ‘Speaking Candour’.

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

You Must Make Your Death Public: a collection of texts and media on the work of Chris Kraus

Edited by Mira Mattar

Buy on Amazon: UK £10 

PDF download

Nymphomaniac: Sex Against Gender

Still from Nymphomaniac: Walther PPK

Lars von Trier’s Nymphomaniac considers the feasibility of love with men, and whether heterosexual fucking – or abjuring it – can be women’s self-propulsion into the making of history


A letter of support for Irina Putilova from the Post-Soviet left community

Irina Putilova

Irina Putilova, an LGBTQ activist and artist, is in detention at Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre. She is scheduled for fast-track removal to Russia where she faces certain imprisonment. The Post-Soviet left community calls on UK activists and public figures to make statements in support of Irina’s appeal and for her immediate release from Yarl's Wood.

Practice Makes a Master

If images of (certain) women are everywhere, lubricating the sale of product, they are also nowhere when it comes to picturing their acts of heroism or banality. Croatian artist Sanja Iveković has spent years exploring the gap between female invisibility and appearance – review by Nick Gledhill


They Want the Money, So Do We

Madame Tlank reviews Selma James, Sex Race and Class: the Perspective of Winning, Oakland: PM Press, 2012


In anamnesis, Shulamith Firestone


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