What We Do

Defending our rights in the courts

Defending our rights in the courts

We are the nation’s leading civil liberties advocate in the Supreme Court. With over 200 staff attorneys and an extensive network of cooperating attorneys, we handle thousands of cases each year on behalf of clients whose rights have been violated.

Current Court Battles
Empowering communities across the U.S.

Empowering communities across the U.S.

We protect your freedom through a nationwide network of staffed offices in every state, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

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Influencing public policy with a powerful voice

Influencing public policy with a powerful voice

Our legislative advocates are a constant presence in federal and state governments, working with policy makers to ensure the necessary laws exist to protect our civil rights.

Current Advocacy Battles

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Take Action

DOJ dropped private prisons. DHS should do the same.

The Department of Homeland Security is the private prison industry's biggest client. Tell DHS to phase out private prisons.

Let Mohamedou Slahi Go Home

Mohamedou Slahi has finally been cleared for release! Now we have to make sure he can go home.

Congress: Pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act

We're pushing back against voter discrimination so all Americans who should be able to vote can vote.

Young, scared, alone, and in court

No child should face an immigration judge alone. Tell Obama to provide legal counsel for all children facing deportation. 

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