Federal Politics

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's links to Chinese political donors

A matter for the WA Party: The Foreign Affairs Minister declined to comment on donations to the WA Liberals from ...

Chinese businessmen with links to Foreign Minister Julie Bishop donated half a million dollars to the minister's Western Australian division of the Liberal Party during the past two years, raising questions about the propriety of foreign donations being linked to ministers with trade and diplomatic responsibilities.

Morrison paints $1 trillion debt horror scenario

Treasurer Scott Morrison speaks at a Bloomberg business breakfast in Sydney on Thursday.

Australia could be headed towards an unprecedented trillion debt position over the next decade which would see the nation's triple A credit rating downgraded, and the economy pushed into recession, Scott Morrison has warned.

Chinese ambassador seeks 'political trust'

Cheng Jingye, China's new  ambassador to Australia, paid a courtesy call to  Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Monday.

China's new Ambassador has called for more "political mutual trust" with Australia and the two countries to resist "protectionism" in an apparent reference to the recent rejection of Chinese bids for power infrastructure.

Australia dairy crisis probe escalated by Joyce

Barnaby Joyce talks with dairy farmer Ashley Galt and his wife Lucy Galt in May.

A more powerful and thorough investigation into Australia's embattled dairy industry, with a focus on Murray Goulburn, has been established to get to the bottom of the "fiasco", Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce says.

Fischer wants 'massacre tax' on US guns to trump Trump

Tim Fischer says 'lethal poison' flows to Australia from US weapons manufacturers.

Australia's former deputy prime minister, Tim  Fischer, has proposed what is surely a world-first plan for shooting down the gun-loving US Republican candidate for President, Donald Trump: a "massacre tax" on US gun exports.

Morrison issues stark debt, recession warning

Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison says Australia is divided between the "the taxed and the taxed nots".

A generation of Australians has never known a recession or high unemployment but unless hard decisions are taken soon, there is a "terrible risk" complacency could end Australia's 25 consecutive years of economic growth, Treasurer Scott Morrison has warned.

Manus Island workers suffered 'psychotic' episodes

The use of melfloquine on Manus Island has been questioned by health professionals and others.

Manus Island workers have reportedly suffered psychotic episodes after being given a controversial anti-malarial drug and detainees are still being offered the medication despite official warnings that people with mental illness should not use it.

Xenophon wants submarine secrets leak probe

Senator Nick Xenophon.

French authorities will investigate the leak of thousands of pages of sensitive submarine documents by the French shipbuilder selected to help design and build Australia's next fleet of 12 boats.

Kiwis unhappy with Aussie life

Members of the All Blacks Fan Club in Sydney.

New Zealanders in Australia are unhappier than any other type of immigrants. They also distrust Australian politicians and government institutions more than almost any other group.