Connect with your customers and community on Twitter

For businesses, Twitter is a place to share news, tell stories, and have conversations that support, educate, and delight their customers. It’s a place for authentic interactions. 

Follow these best practices to amplify your efforts on Twitter while letting your business’s personality shine.

Create a regular cadence

Create a regular cadence

Focus on creating a regular cadence of content that’s relevant to your target audience and authentic to your business.

With Twitter Dashboard you can easily schedule Tweets to reach your audience when they’re online, but you’re busy doing other things.

Tweet content that resonates

Tweet content that resonates

Compelling content will help you attract new followers and keep them engaged over time. Kickstart your creative process with Tweet tips just for businesses. They’re great when you’re not sure what to Tweet and offer ideas to spark conversations and keep your audience engaged. 

For example, if you work at a restaurant, a tip like, “Your team is as unique as your business. Tweet a surprising fact about one of your team members,” might remind you to share some recent recognition your chef received. 


Track your analytics

Track your analytics

Setting goals and accurately tracking your results in a timely manner is critical to growing your business. Track how much content you're Tweeting and measure the impressions, likes, Retweets, and replies. Use Twitter Analytics to dive deeper and better understand which content is resonating with your target audience.

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