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Providing feedback to businesses

After interacting with a business, you may be invited by the business to provide feedback about your experience with them via a Customer Feedback prompt, which is shown following a Direct Message.

You can respond to the prompt and select an option that best represents your experience. You may also have the opportunity to provide additional text comments to share with the business.

Responding to the Customer Feedback prompt is voluntary.

Note: Your response to these prompts is about your experience with the business that requested your feedback, not about Twitter or the Twitter service.

What happens with my feedback?

Twitter stores your feedback and any additional comments you provide, along with contextual information like your Twitter user ID, the business’s user ID, the date and time that you provided the feedback, and the ID of the Direct Message conversation that preceded the feedback request. Twitter shares this information with the business that requested your feedback, and may also use it to create anonymous metrics and insights. Learn more about how Twitter collects, uses, and shares your information in our Privacy Policy.

The business may use the information it receives in accordance with its privacy policy, a link to which appears at the bottom of the prompt. The business may use a third-party service provider to help it collect, store, and analyze the feedback information it receives, solely on the business’s behalf.

Note: Your feedback may or may not be made available to the business representative(s) you interacted with. Check the business’s privacy policy to learn more about how the business may use your responses.

Who can see my feedback?

Neither your response nor the fact that you provided feedback is publicly associated with your account. You may be presented with an opportunity to Tweet about your experience with the business after you complete a Customer Feedback interaction.

Can I edit or change my feedback?

You cannot view or edit your feedback after it has been submitted. Please refer to the the business’s privacy policy for information about deleting feedback responses they have received.

Note: Deleting the Direct Message conversation that preceded a business’s request for your feedback will not cause your feedback to be deleted.

I want to give my feedback. How do I share it with a business?

This type of feedback is requested by a business after an interaction you have with them directly. It is not possible to provide this type of feedback without the business requesting it. You can always Tweet and @mention a business to share unsolicited feedback. Some businesses also allow anyone to send them Direct Messages.

Can I collect feedback for my business?

If you’re a business and you want to collect feedback from people on Twitter after you interact with them, please see our information for businesses on Twitter.